Deploy Real-Time Attendance System on AWS EC2 Instance It is highly recommended to use GIT Bash for Windows. For Linux/Mac, use the default terminal.

  1. Setting up Code for Deployment 1.1. Create a new directory with the name attendance_system_app. $ mkdir attendance_system_app 1.2. Navigate to the folder $ cd attendance_system_app 1.3. Lets test the application developed in the previous lesson. First Create a virtual environment. ~/attendance_system_app $ python -m venv virtualenv 1.4. Activate the virtual environment For Windows (Git Bash) ~/attendance_system_app $ source virtualenv/Scripts/activate For Windows (Command Prompt or PowerShell),

~/attendance_system_app $ virtualenv\Scripts\activate For Linux/Mac ~/attendance_system_app $ source virtualenv/bin/activate 1.5. Create another directory named app (virtualenv) ~/attendance_system_app $ mkdir app 1.6. Copy and paste the complete application code into the app directory. 1.7. Install required packages from requirements.txt in the app folder. (virtualenv) ~/attendance_system_app $ cd app (virtualenv) ~/attendance_system_app/app $ pip install -r requirements.txt 1.8. Run the application (virtualenv) ~/attendance_system_app/app $ streamlit run