
DueFlashStorage saves non-volatile data for Arduino Due. The library is made to be similar to the EEPROM library.

Primary LanguageC++


DueFlashStorage saves non-volatile data for Arduino Due. The library is made to be similar to the EEPROM library. Uses flash block 1 per default.


  • Non-volatile data storage. Resetting or loss of power to the Arduino will not affect the data.
  • Similar to the standard EEPROM library
  • Write and read byte by byte
  • Write and read byte arrays to store arbitrary variable types (strings, structs, integers, floats)

Note: The flash storage is reset every time you upload a new sketch to your Arduino.

Inspiration and some code from Pansenti at https://github.com/Pansenti/DueFlash


Create a new folder in your Arduino sketch folder named DueFlashStorage. Download and put all files from this repository into the folder.


Basic use

// write the value 123 to address 0

// read byte at address 0
byte b = dueFlashStorage.read(0);

Advanced use to store configuration parameters

// say you want to store a struct with parameters:
struct Configuration {
  uint8_t a;
  uint8_t b;
  int32_t bigInteger;
  char* message;
  char c;
Configuration configuration;

// then write it to flash like this:
byte b2[sizeof(Configuration)]; // create byte array to store the struct
memcpy(b2, &configuration, sizeof(Configuration)); // copy the struct to the byte array
dueFlashStorage.write(4, b2, sizeof(Configuration)); // write byte array to flash at address 4

// and read from flash like this:
byte* b = dueFlashStorage.readAddress(4); // byte array which is read from flash at adress 4
Configuration configurationFromFlash; // create a temporary struct
memcpy(&configurationFromFlash, b, sizeof(Configuration)); // copy byte array to temporary struct

/* see example code for a working example */



This example will write 3 bytes to 3 different addresses and print them to the serial monitor. Try resetting the Arduino Due or unplug the power to it. The values will stay stored.


This example will write a struct to memory which is a very convinient way of storing configuration parameters. Try resetting the Arduino Due or unplug the power to it. The values will stay stored.