
Synth is an extensible interface for defining generators that provide output based on a given configuration.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Synth is an extensible interface for processing an arbitrary Schema.

Where Schemas can define anything, Synth can process anything.

An example use case is synthesizing an entire object graph from a static schema.


The primary use case is to generate a complete object graph from a schema:

var schema=Schema.load({"schemaType":"object-graph", "entities":{"Todo":{"properties":{"title":"string"}}}});
var Graph=Synth.generate("object-graph", schema);

var todo=new Graph.Todo(); // creates a new 'todo' object with setTitle and getTitle methods

Another more abstract example is to create a custom schema for a form field, then defining generators, allowing for arbitrary data to be parsed and processed:

var schema={
   schemaType : "form",
   fields: [
         schemaType: "textfield",
         name: "email"
         schemaType: "textarea",
         name: "message"

Synth.register("textField", function(schema){ return "<input type='text' />"});
Synth.register("textarea", function(schema){ return "<textarea></textarea>"});
Synth.register("form", function(schema){ return schema.fields.map(Synth.generate); });

Synth.generate("form", schema);

You can also walk abstract data by using the dynamic mapping:

var userGeneratedObject={...};

Synth.resolve=function(config, context){ return "custom"; });


Synth can be customized by defining methods to be called for various events:

  • beforeCreate and afterCreate
    Called before and after an entity is initialized.

  • beforeUpdate and afterUpdate
    Called before and after an entity is updated.

  • beforeDelete and afterDelete
    Caled before and after an entity is deleted.


Synth exposes the requestPatch and applyPatch methods for persisting changes.