Synth is an extensible interface for processing an arbitrary Schema.
Where Schemas can define anything, Synth can process anything.
An example use case is synthesizing an entire object graph from a static schema.
The primary use case is to generate a complete object graph from a schema:
var schema=Schema.load({"schemaType":"object-graph", "entities":{"Todo":{"properties":{"title":"string"}}}});
var Graph=Synth.generate("object-graph", schema);
var todo=new Graph.Todo(); // creates a new 'todo' object with setTitle and getTitle methods
Another more abstract example is to create a custom schema for a form field, then defining generators, allowing for arbitrary data to be parsed and processed:
var schema={
schemaType : "form",
fields: [
schemaType: "textfield",
name: "email"
schemaType: "textarea",
name: "message"
Synth.register("textField", function(schema){ return "<input type='text' />"});
Synth.register("textarea", function(schema){ return "<textarea></textarea>"});
Synth.register("form", function(schema){ return; });
Synth.generate("form", schema);
You can also walk abstract data by using the dynamic mapping:
var userGeneratedObject={...};
Synth.resolve=function(config, context){ return "custom"; });
Synth can be customized by defining methods to be called for various events:
Called before and after an entity is initialized. -
Called before and after an entity is updated. -
Caled before and after an entity is deleted.
Synth exposes the requestPatch
and applyPatch
methods for persisting changes.