
SPA project skeleton using react, typescript, and redux with HMR

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is an extremely opinionated project skeleton for single page web apps that is focused on a high-velocity developer workflow.

Highly Opinionated

  • Parcel - very fast builds with litte config
  • Typescript - avoid stupid errors
  • React - component-based, declarative views
  • Redux + React-Redux - state you can reason about + time travel -- use the dev tools
  • Redux-Saga - async redux actions
  • Prettier and Husky to automatically reformat your code as a pre-commit hook and to require passing tests before pushing. Do your part to remove style nitpicking from code review by using this and not complaining.
  • Jest - use components intelligently and write equally good tests for them.

Initial Setup

yarn install

Start the Development Server

# With type checking (use this)
yarn develop

# Transpile only
yarn start

Go to localhost:1234 in your browser.

How to build the application for deployment

yarn build

The default output directory is /dist.

How to run the tests

yarn test       # run test once
yarn test:watch # watch mode

You have to create __tests__ directory at the same location of files which you want to test. Test file's name should be SOURCE.test.ts/tsx/js or SOURCE.spec.ts/tsx/js.

Why this is my opinion of a great workflow

Everything in this project is geared toward making it easier and faster to develop, often by reducing complexity, accelerating iteration, or preventing costly errors.

  • React -- React lets you build your user interface in a declarative, component-based way. This allows you to easily organize and re-use/extend your ui elements as your application grows and, more importantly, lets you separate the application logic/state from the view, drastically reducing the mental overhead required to get work done.

  • Redux -- Redux is a reducer-based state management library with excellent tooling that makes it easy to reason about (and iterate on) the logic that drives your application. Replaying actions using the redux devtools is a magical experience - if you haven't watched Dan Abramov talk about how to get the most out of Redux then go do that now.

  • Typescript -- Typescript adds an annoying layer of bookkeeping to your javascript development in exchange for catching 90% of the dumb little mistakes you make every day at BUILD TIME instead of run time.

  • Parcel -- Parcel is very fast for incremental builds and supports hot-module-replacement out of the box.

  • hot-module-replacement -- The above systems come together to make this a reality. Edits to your react components, reducers, and styles get instantly applied without losing your application state. This lets you iterate and tweak things with the same responsiveness as changing styles in the developer console. When done correctly, this means you can record a set of actions (like some button clicks), then tweak reducer code to make sure you end up with the correct state, then tweak your react code to make sure that state is rendered how you want it, without ever going through a full reload or re-performing the steps to get there.

  • Jest -- Jest is a test library for javascript. Good test coverage makes it easy to refactor your code at full speed. Tests + type safety means you can keep working on your project day after day, month after month, without degrading into that crippled state where you can't change anything without breaking something else.

Getting the Most Value

Based on / Special Thanks

This project is based on ts-react-parcel by Ahn Dohyung