Shiller Ratio Application


The Shiller Ratio (otherwise known as ‘CAPE’ or the Cyclically-Adjusted Price to Earnings Ratio) is a financial metric developed by Nobel Prize-winning Economist Robert Shiller. Building off the work of value investing forefathers Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, Shiller theorized that a moving average of inflation adjusted earnings, as opposed to nominal earnings (which is typically used in standard price-to-earnings calculations), allowed for better predictability of future (real) dividends, and consequently future returns as well.

My app allows a user to select an industry, and then a company, all of which are listed on the S&P 500. I have a Postgres database running on Google Cloud Platform (UPDATE: now running on a Postgres Heroku database) which includes several tables that include S&P 500 companies, their respective tickers, as well as a table of inflation for the past 100+ years. I have a CRON job set up on Github to update this database regularly, and includes code to scrape for (surprise surprise) inflation data, as well as for the current Shiller Ratio of the S&P 500. All of this information is written to the database, and then my app accesses the database for this information.

For current price and earnings data, I used the API. API’s calls are made directly in the Shiny app. I opted to do this as opposed to making 500+ API calls everyday (then writing to the database), because I only have access to the free version of the API, so it makes more sense to call the API on a need-to-know basis, depending on which handful of stocks the user selects. With this in mind, if you select too many stocks within a certain time frame when using the app (and consequently make that many API requests), an error may be thrown. I’ve suppressed most errors for now, but if you get: "no applicable method for 'pull' applied to an object of class "NULL"", this is due to making too many API requests.

Some other things to note: The AlphaVantage API only gives me access to a company’s earnings/ earnings per share. Some websites use diluted earnings per share (ie, GuruFocus). This is admittedly a better metric to use, but since I didn’t have access to it, I make do with good ‘ol earnings. In terms of actually calculating the inflation adjusted earnings per share (E10), I referred to this website:

Here is the url for the app:

Update: my database on GCP is not currently running since my credit for the service expired. Currently looking for a free Postgres database solution so I can get the app back up and running