
Laravel Twilio Wrapper Package

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel Twilio


UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Laravel Twilio SDK/API Integration


Begin by installing this package through Composer. Run this command from the Terminal:

composer require collinped/laravel-twilio

If you're using Laravel 5.5+, this is all there is to do.

Should you still be on older versions of Laravel, the final steps for you are to add the service provider of the package and alias the package. To do this open your config/app.php file.

Integration for older versions of Laravel (5.5 -)

To wire this up in your Laravel project, you need to add the service provider. Open app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.


This will register a new artisan command for you:

  • twilio:video-room NAME
  • twilio:video-participants SID

Configuring the package

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Collinped\Twilio\TwilioServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This is the contents of the file that will be published at config/twilio.php

Insert the following values into your .env


See Twilio Settings for instructions on how to get these values.

Taking care of routing

Finally, let's take care of the routing. At the app that sends webhooks, you probably configure an URL where you want your webhook requests to be sent. In the routes file of your app (web.php), you must pass that route to Route::post or Route::get depending on your specified method. Here's an example:

Route::post('webhook/twilio-video', 'TwilioVideoWebhookController@handleWebhook')->name('twilio.video.webhook');
Route::post('webhook/twilio-voice', 'TwilioVoiceWebhookController@handleWebhook')->name('twilio.voice.webhook');
Route::post('webhook/twilio-sms', 'TwilioSmsWebhookController@handleWebhook')->name('twilio.sms.webhook');
Route::post('webhook/twilio-fax', 'TwilioFaxWebhookController@handleWebhook')->name('twilio.fax.webhook');

Behind the scenes, this will register a POST or GET route to a controller provided by this package. Because the app that sends webhooks to you has no way of getting a csrf-token, you must add that route to the except array of the VerifyCsrfToken middleware:

protected $except = [
    'webhook/twilio/*', // All Twilio Webhooks

Or whitelist each endpoint individually based on your application

protected $except = [
    'webhook/twilio/video', // Twilio Video Webhooks
    'webhook/twilio/voice', // Twilio Voice Webhooks
    'webhook/twilio/voice-recording', // Twilio Voice Recording Webhooks
    'webhook/twilio/sms', // Twilio SMS Webhooks
    'webhook/twilio/conversations', // Twilio Conversations Webhooks

Twilio Video Settings

If you have an existing Twilio account login to your console or sign up here for your free trial account: Register for Twilio

  • Navigate to "Programmable Video"
  • Navigate to "Rooms"
  • Navigate to "Settings"
  • Set the method as "HTTP POST"
  • Input your "Status Callback URL" as:

Laravel Twilio Roadmap

  • Twilio Voice
  • Twilio SMS
  • Twilio Video
  • Twilio Phone Numbers
  • Twilio Short Codes
  • Twilio Conversations
  • Twilio Verify
  • Twilio Verify Email - Sendgrid
  • Twilio Programmable Wireless
  • Twilio Proxy
  • Twilio Lookup
  • Twilio Flex
  • Twilio Assistant


laravel-twilio is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license