Nginx extra security layer for Odoo


Prepare project first time

cp .env-template .env
vi .env  # edit settings
vi .env  # copy generated code into here

Usage in debug mode


Usage in production

Use a service file such as:


ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 5
ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/bouncer-odoo/.venv/bin/python /home/ubuntu/bouncer-odoo/


Now configure NGINX by adding this section:

# === START: Configuration for nginx-odoo ===
auth_request /nginx-odoo-auth;

error_page 401 = @error401;

location @error401 {
    return 302 https://$http_host/nginx-odoo-login/;

location = /web/login {
    return 302 https://$http_host/nginx-odoo-login/;

location = /web/session/authenticate {
    proxy_pass http://$authentication_provider_address:$authentication_provider_port;
    auth_request off;

error_page 418 = @pass_directly_to_odoo;
location = /web/binary/company_logo { return 418; }
location ~ ^/web/static/(.*).ico$ { return 418; }
location ~ ^/web/static/(.*).png$ { return 418; }
location ~ ^/web/static/(.*).css$ { return 418; }
location ~ ^/web/content/(.*?)/(.*?).css$ { return 418; }
location ~ ^/web/content/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?).css$ { return 418; }
location ~ ^/mail/tracking/open/(.*?)/(.*?)/blank.gif { return 418; }
location = /web/database/list { return 418; }
location = /web/webclient/version_info { return 418; }
location = /web/reset_password { return 418; }
location = /web/signup { return 418; }
location @pass_directly_to_odoo {
    auth_request off;
    proxy_pass http://$web_provider_address:$web_provider_port;
    # ===
    # I had this, so that attackers cannot use this URL as an attack vector
    # to fire stolen session_id's at.
    # But it causes Odoo to come with the Set-Cookie response
    # which starts a new un-2FA'ed session and breaks things.
    # It's either to refuse response headers also, or to forget about it
    # completely.
    # ---
    # proxy_pass_request_headers off;
    # # for /web/webclient/version_info, /web/database/list
    # proxy_set_header Content-Type application/json;
    # # for /web/reset_password
    # proxy_redirect off;

location = /web/session/logout {
    proxy_pass http://$authentication_provider_address:$authentication_provider_port/logout;
    proxy_pass_request_body off;
    proxy_set_header Content-Length "";

location = /web/session/destroy {
    proxy_pass http://$authentication_provider_address:$authentication_provider_port/logout;
    proxy_pass_request_body off;
    proxy_set_header Content-Length "";

location = /nginx-odoo-auth {
    proxy_pass http://$authentication_provider_address:$authentication_provider_port/auth;
    proxy_pass_request_body off;
    proxy_set_header Content-Length "";

location = /nginx-odoo-login { return 302 /nginx-odoo-login/; }
location ~ ^/nginx-odoo-login/(.*)$ {
    proxy_pass http://$authentication_provider_address:$authentication_provider_port/$1$is_args$args;
    proxy_redirect off;
    auth_request off;
# === END: Configuration for nginx-odoo ===


The bouncer can also be used for authentication. When logging in on /nginx-odoo-login, add a query string with the key "redirect". The value should be the url to redirect to once the user has logged in. When redirecting to the given url, the session_id will be added to the end of the url