
Beginner to Advanced Python: Problems and Solutions

Primary LanguagePython

Beginner to advanced python: problems and solutions

Problem 1: Hello World

  • python hello_world.py

Problem 2: Get length of a string

  • python length_of_string.py

Problem 3: Return CamelCase version of a string

  • python convert_str_to_camel_case.py

Problem 4: Cast string to int or float

  • python cast_str_to_int_or_float.py

Problem 5: Truncate chars in a string

  • python truncate_chars.py

Problem 6: Format datetime into a Custom string

  • python format_datetime.py

Problem 7: Count days between two date objects

  • python count_days.py

Problem 8: Get the type of a param

  • python param_type.py

Problem 9: Get even numbers from a list of integers

  • python even_numbers.py

Problem 10: Remove duplicates in a list in order

  • python remove_dups_in_order.py

Problem 11: Reverse list in Python

  • python reverse_list.py

Problem 12: Return list of even numbers (using list comprehension)

  • python even_numbers_list_comp.py

Problem 13: Return a list of squared numbers

  • python square_list_elements.py

Problem 14: Return a list of numbers divisible by a given term

  • python divisible_numbers_single_term.py

Problem 15: Return a list of numbers divisible by multiple terms

  • python divisible_numbers_multiple_terms.py

Problem 16: Return a list of temperatures given in celsius transformed fahrenheit.

  • python temp_conv_to_farenheit.py

Problem 17: Convert temperature to either celsius or fahrenheit

  • python temperature_conversion.py

Problem 18: Return sum of multiple terms

  • python sum_multiple_terms.py