
pure js component for users to quickly input their availability on a week calendar.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a pure javascript component that allows your users to effortlessly input their availability on a week calendar

Version 1.0.1

Get your hands on it


bower install weekli.js --save
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bower_components/weekli.js/css/weekli.css"/>

<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/weekli.js/js/weekli.min.js"></script>


npm install weekli.js --save
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="node_modules/weekli.js/css/weekli.css"/>

<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/weekli.js/js/weekli.min.js"></script>


git clone https://github.com/collnwalkr/weekli.git


Basic Usage:

    A weekli component needs an empty div tag with an id.
    By default, a new Weekli() object targets an id of 'weekli'
    The id allows multiple, non-competing weekli's on a 
    single page. Note the id used on this div and in the 
    new Weekli object must be the same... 
<div id="weekli"></div>
// creates new Weekli object and builds it with default options
var weekli = new Weekli();
// get the JSON output
var weekli_output = weekli.get_output();
// example output
  "available": [
          "day": "WED",
          "time": "7:00 am-8:00 am"
  "unavailable": [
          "day": "WED",
          "time": "8:00 am-9:00 am"

Custom Usage:

A weekli object can be instantiated with custom properties.

// all customization properties and their default value
var weekli = new Weekli({
    wk_id: 'weekli',
    week: 'workweek',
    week_days: [],
    minute_interval: '60',
    time_range: '7:00,12:00',
    editable: true,
    time_format: '12hour'
attribute accepted value and examples
wk_id: string specifies the div id that weekli is in (example if <div id = "weekli_custom"> </div> then wk_id: 'weekli_custom'
week: week , workweek , weekend , or custom. determins which days of the week should be shown in columns:
week_days: if week is custom, days of the week will be pulled from this array of strings (ex: week_days: ['Sunday', 'Tuesday', 'Friday'])
minute_interval: int determines the time-span for each row (ex: minute_interval: 60 = 7:00 - 8:00 , minute_interval: 75 = 7:00 - 8:15)
time_range: int,int specifies the start and end times for the rows (ex: time_range: 10:15,15:30 = 10:15 am - 3:30 pm)
editable: true or false determines if weekli component can be changed by user interaction
time_format: 12hour or 24hour specifies if time should be shown in civilian or military format
In addition, weekli objects have several public functions.
    // weekli will now ignore all user input

    // weekli will react to user input

    // clear the calendar, then load in the JSON object
    // and display the available times
    // make all times available
    // make all times unavailable

Custom Styling:

Weekli is styled with less. All of the basic coloring, font sizes, and window-size breakpoints can be found in the weekli.less file. However, there are some conditionals in the less file that are noteworthy:

@wk-border:               false;
@wk-day-abbreviated:      true;
@wk-hide-ampm:            true;
conditional result explained
@wk-border: true border is shown while false hides the border
@wk-day-abbreviated: true when screeen is @tablet size, days of the week will be abbreviated (ex: 'Monday' becomes 'Mon'). false will not abbreviate days of the week
@wk-hide-ampm: true will hide 'A.M' or 'P.M' from being displayed in the time row. However, the get_output() JSON file will still have 'A.M' or 'P.M' still in the data structure. false will show the 'A.M' or 'P.M' in the time row