
Connect to a Remote Raspberry Pi over 3G cellular modem from the browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Connect to a Remote Raspberry Pi over 3G cellular modem from the browser

Based on, term.js, pty modules.


On your development mc/ or Server.
  • cd rpi-remote-ssh/termjs.
  •  ```$ node server.js 7777``` (Use any free port),
  •  Don't forget to enable port forwarding if you are sitting behind NAT

Keep your raspberry pi device connected to internet using wvdial.

  • git clone https://github.com/ariemtech/rpi-remote-ssh.
  • cd rpi-remote-ssh
  • npm install
  • ```$ node sshclient.js myserverip-or-domainname 7777```
  • This will start the client and is now ready to connect to the server.

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