Requirements: Create an application with a single activity that resembles the image below
There should be a list of people organized in groups. Each person has the following information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Status Icon – {online, away, busy, offline, call forwarding, pending}
- Status Message
- Avatar –“contacts_list_avatar_unknown.png” should be used here
Retrieve the data to populate the list from the following link: %2F&files=contacts.json You will find a .json with information about the people in the roster and the groups they are in.
- All the resources required for this practical test can be found here: %2F&
- Fonts are not required.
- Colors that were not provided are not important.
Recommended Environment:
- Android Studio
- Desired language: Java
- Latest Android SDK
- Android device or emulator
- Android OS version newer than 4.3