MageUnconference NL 2023 notes

Session: How to deal with Upgrades of Magneto - Jeffrey - Experius | part of Happy Horizon

Notes by Jeroen Vermeulen


  • Maintenance, a car needs it too
  • Security
  • Performance
  • Newest PHP version
  • Servers won't support older versions of software

How - Sell / Invoice

  • Sell customers a Package of hours, do upgrades from the package
  • Offer a monthly subscription, if customers don't do it you will have a big upgrade in the future which will be more expensive then all small upgrades combined.
  • Put it in the contract already
  • Tie the upgrades to other benefits
  • Scare customers what happens when you don't upgrade by telling worst case scenario stories
  • 2.4.3 => 2.4.6 estimated 40 hours
  • Security updates 8-16 hours
  • Don't accept existing shops with a lot of legacy

How - Technical

  • Only security patches is an option
  • After a new release wait for P1 first
  • In composer.json put everything on * , see what happens
  • CI/CD bot which checks all modules of customers if they are compatible to determine impact
  • Dashboard with all modules of customers + state of compatibility
  • Use PWA (GraphQL+NextJS) te lower impact of upgrades
  • Share more components among customers
  • Watch out for missing authorisation keys needed to receive the latest version of a module. Especially when you did not buy the module yourself.
  • Make an inventory first, check manually for each module what the latest version is compatible with
  • Ampersand Magento2 Upgrade Patch Helper
  • OTAP Street, Internal manual testing. Work out test scenario's.
  • DI Compile first, Static code testing

How we got a 99 PageSpeed score (Tjitse Efdé - Vendic)

Notes by Jeroen Vermeulen

  • Ignore Desktop in PageSpeed, only pay attention to Mobile
  • Use Hyvä
  • Only load stuff you really need it
    • For example load the the Soakr stuff only when the user starts typing in the search box
    • If you have a chat, show a facade (fake) chat first. When the user clicks load the real chat
    • Below the fold load everything lazy
    • SVG small icons inline
    • Hyvä has the event 'init-external-events'
      • Load Tag Manager, Analytics assets etc only when the user interacts with the page
      • Alternative: Load GTM at start but use 'init-external-events' to trigger an event to load things like HotJar etc
    • Use native image lazy loading
  • Only load what is in view
  • Lazy load big images
  • Don't load any external CSS
  • Replace company review ratings etc by static cached versions
  • Mainly optimise homepage, categories, product pages
  • Optimise from the start of the project
  • The client needs to work with you, you can't just drop in external elements
  • Run ImgProxy as a Microservice can resize images + convert to WebP
    • Fruitcake Magento2-Custom-Image-URL to replace image URLs
  • Varnish cache
  • Optimise PHP using New Relic in production
    • Find bottlenecks like Load In The Loop
  • Vendic does host its sites with and runs HaProxy, Varnish, ImgProxy there
  • Always serve fonts from your own server, not from Google
  • Reduce the items in DOM, keep below 1500 items
    • Lazy load hidden nodes - keep SEO in mind
    • Alpine X-Intersect plugin triggers when a part is in view.
    • Alpine X-If plugin

The future of Magento - Dennis: Magento 3.0: The future of Magneto

Notes by Jeroen Vermeulen

Niek Verkoelen - Vendic: What is currently the most important thing in the ecosystem in Magento

Current State

  • It would be very hard for Magento to drop Luma because they already had all vendors invest in PWA Studio while dropping it afterwards
  • Magento is for customers who don't fit in Shopify, for bigger shops or customers with more custom needs.

Magento 3.0

  • Based on PHP it is very extensible
  • Open Source
  • A minimal Magento
  • Something like Symphony Maker Bundle. Start wit minimal environment instead of with everything.
  • Less bloated
  • Composable
  • Generate code like Laravel Artisan Console
  • Self hosted
  • Microservices? => does it
  • A possibility for startups
  • Keep a big ecosystem
  • We cannot change everything and keep the ecosystem compatible

Do we see a future with Magento 3.0 under Adobe?

  • Looks like Adobe does not seem have a clear vision
  • They lost the community because of them pushing their services
  • Adobe is a subscription company, not likely they will release Magento 3.0


  • More practical CMS
  • Flow Builder for marketing automation
  • API first
  • Smaller ecosystem

Shopify and other SAAS

  • Everything is determined by one party
  • Very limited freedom

Magento vs Mage-OS - Thomas - Creativity

Notes by Jeroen Vermeulen

  • The future of Magento Open Source, Mage-OS, Adobe Commerce?

  • How can we contribute to Magento, make it better?

  • Can things co-exist?

  • The target of Adobe Commerce is quite different

  • It may be a problem Mage-OS deviates too much from Magento Open Source gets too big, will not be possible to use each other's code.

  • It looks like Adobe is not taking very much care of Magento Open Source. Mage-OS gives us an insurance policy we are able to continue improvement.

  • Adobe is creating services for everything

  • Adobe bought Magento for its enterprise customers

  • How can we make Mage-OS thrive and

  • Mage-OS can be a kind of extension to Magento Open Source. It is not the purpose to replace Magento Open Source.

  • Maybe Mage-OS can be the innovative side, like Fedora is for Red Hat Linux

  • Adobe Commerce has lots of B2B features like company roles, approval of orders, company catalog etc.

  • Content staging is also a big feature of Adobe Commerce, which is quite a change because it makes the database work totally different

DDev - Gerard

Notes by Jeroen Vermeulen

  • Like Docker compose but with a preconfigured recipe.
  • The community provides a lot of configurations.
  • Code base is mounted (Windows) or synchronised (Mac).
  • OrbStack: Alternative to Docker Desktop, fixes problems with slow Docker containers on Mac.
  • Alternative:
  • When you update a container you can push it to Docker Hub or GitLab
  • Buildpack is a tool to separate building and running images, so running images are smaller
  • You can Scaffold to build Docker containers and push them into Kubernetes
  • In PhpStorm you can commit a config with configuration for PhpStan etc

Notes by Francis Gallagher

This was the service I mentioned:

Just dont put faith in their loss calculations.

Secondly mentioned was the issue about the core problem that can stop high traffic real blue green deployments or just make a bad day worse (Indexer switches from Scheduled > On Save > Scheduled)

Problem: magento/magento2#33386

Helpful module: (Not a fix, just helps ensure indexes go back to how you want them)

Just as it came up again. If you hit this and just want to get by it have a look at vendor/magento/module-indexer/Setup/Recurring.php near the end the unsub/sub line on

How you stop that is up to you, you can just temporarily comment it out but you must understand what it does first so you know why and when you can't get away with it.

Notes by Nils Preuss this is the demo of mageless I promised the people in the mageless talk yesterday. As it is something brought up tonight it could be not fully correctly working. Afaik filters are the only thing broken currently there. Everything running on a small max cluster instance.

GitHub Copilot

Notes by Jeroen Vermeulen

  • It is very useful when you have to write predicable code
  • Gives inspiration how to solve a problem
  • Type a bit, wait a couple of seconds, it starts suggesting
  • Works like autocomplete, but smarter
  • Use proper class/function/variable names
  • It helps to start with comments (PhpDoc) then the coPilot works better
  • Sometimes it produces crap
  • The more well structured your project is (Magento is crap) the better it works
  • It is connected to your Github account, it can access everything you can like your own projects, open source etc
  • When you use it for a longer time it understands you betters
  • Works in VS Code, PhpStorm and VI
  • There is a sidebar panel where you can see different suggestions and you can choose
  • When you want to refactor a block of code there are other AI plugins for that
  • ChatGPT is great for boilerplate work, can create the structure of a new module
  • ChatGPT can create tests
  • ChatGPT can rewrite code, even in another language. Also try Google Bard.
  • Google Copilot can help you learn you (new) ways to get things done in a language you don't know very well
  • ChatGPT will generate textbook code, not always the most optimal
  • ChatGPT is great for working with remote APIs
  • There is a worry entry level jobs will be replaced by AI. But: Every time language got more high level there was a

CLI Tools

Notes by Jeroen Vermeulen

  • ZSH custom folder for snippets
  • Manage your aliases etc in a private Github repo
  • '' to share dot files among environments
  • 'Terminator' or 'Byobu' to split screen etc instead of tabs, or just use iTerm
  • 'AutoJump' remembers where you go in shell and 'cd' to that folder with the 'j' command
  • 'TheFuck' fixes your last command with generative AI the 'fuck' command
  • LogTop to keep logging on top
  • FuzzyFinder
  • xxh-shell-zsh
  • PowerLevel10K ZSH Theme
  • ZSH ah my zshell
  • Fish shell
  • When you forgot to use screen: press Ctrl-Z; then run disown
  • Htop can pause and unpause processes
  • 'Pkill -f' to kill a process based on the whole command line
  • In VS Code and Code With Me you live share a terminal with some else
  • Github Copilot for CLI, there is a waitinglist to join
  • OpenCommit: GPT writes commit messages for you
  • can switch terminal colours and adapt automatically

Notes by Sean van Zuidam

If you're interested in learning more about design tokens in TailwindCSS config, here are the links to the tools I showed:

Notes by Michel Heitbrink

This is the link with tailwind examples. Created by Jesse.

Nix - Jelle / BigBridge

Notes by Jeroen Vermeulen

How we do our toolkit at work

  • Inside their agency there were lots of different solutions for local Magento development
  • Started with a Git repo with centralised configs
  • Nix is whole range of tooling
  • Nix is a command line tool evaluating the programming language Lix
  • Derivation in Nix are a kind of package
  • Nix packages are like a repository, a collection of Derivations
  • When you share a Nix configuration you all get the exact same package, if your computer is the same architecture
  • When you use Cloudflare DNS, you can use *.localhost for development domains
  • Only using aliases, no other shell magic
  • NixOS is a whole OS built from scratch on the Nix principles

Onboard a new developer to a shop

  • Install Nix itself, /nix directory must exist
  • Install workbench, which installs Nix install Newshell
  • You pull the shop from Git and run the "start" command
  • PHP, NodeJS, MySQL, ElasticSearch binaries all come from Nix.
  • Nix already contains lots of packages
  • PHP is configured to use a sendmail which redirects everything to Mailhog

Tool 'Funky': You add a .dotfunky file in your project which helps to automatically use the right binaries. Rector can refactor code to match a newer PHP version

use this installer to get nix:

Notes by Jelle Siderius

Notes by John O'Rourke

Hahaha! I love learning vowel sounds in other languages, so I found the Dutch ones and made this for you:

For those who missed my "how to speak like in Liverpool" (Scouse) lesson, I worked out a guide - pronounce this the dutch way:

"o" becomes "oo" "ck" becomes "gck" "oo" becomes "uu" "k" becomes "g" "ck" becomes "ch" "t" becomes "ttj" "the" becomes "eu"

...but do all this with the mouth wide, if you can!

I just couldn't find a sound for "a" - it's like "aa" with the mouth wide.

So you can say using Dutch pronounciation "luugck aatj tjeu buugck!" (look at the book)

and to the words...

"hello!" becomes "ei!" "would you like to have a fight?" becomes "ee! ee! ee! ee! joe! autjsjeidj nau!!"

Session: Proconcloud method

Notes by Peter Stuifzand

  • Proconcloud method is a decision making method.
  • It's based on parts of Theory of Constraints (Change Matrix).
  • It helps to avoid 5 decision mistakes:
    • Waste your limited attention
      • by checking if the problem is important
    • Jumping to a solution (or blaming other people)
      • By finding pros and cons for both sides: changin and not changin
      • And also, by writing the conflict for the other people, who could be yourself)
    • Only try one solution, or use a compromise
      • Instead you try 4 different options for a win-win solution
    • Ignore valid reservation from stakeholders
      • Think of the reservations stakeholders could have and improve your solutions
      • Or ask them and let them improve your solution
    • Not learning from experience
      • Create an experiment, including your assumptions about the problem and solution
      • You can run the experiment and check these assumptions to learn for the next time

Youtube video explaining the steps: