
A simple flask prototyping tool.


  • Python 2.7
  • Ruby 2.1.3+
  • Sass 3.3.9+

Building blocks

At the core it is a flask app so for those with python skills and if you are that way inclined you can add and extend to your heart's content.

For the rest of us looking to get some pages up and running quickly we can make use of the 3 govuk frontend building blocks.


I like to run things using virtualenv so the rest of my machine is kept decluttered so I always being by running

virtualenv flask

Next up install Flask and Flask-assets with the commands

flask/bin/pip install flask
flask/bin/pip install flask-assets
flask/bin/pip install gunicorn

Also run this so that ruby sass is installed

bundle install

If you are using virtualenv then activate that by entering:

source flask/bin/activate

And finally to run use the command

foreman start

Follow the instructions to view it in the browser

Deploying to Heroku

For basic heroku instructions see here

There are a couple of additional steps required to deploy this project.

Because it is a python app that also requires ruby to compile the .scss files it needs multiple buildpacks. Luckily someone has made this easy for us, we just need to use the heroku-buildpack-multi

Add a .buildpack file containing the 2 buildpacks

And then let Heroku know we are using this. We do that by entering this on the commandline

heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi.git