
Getting started

Optional but recommended. Run in a virtualenv. To create one (with Python 3) run:

mkvirtualenv --python=`which python3` <name>

where is what you wish to call it.

When returning run workon <name> to activate the virtualenv you just created.

To install flask and all the other dependencies run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install npm requirements

npm install

Finally to start the it run:

flask run


If you publish your prototypes online, they must be protected by a username and password. This is to prevent members of the public finding prototypes and thinking they are real services.

How to protect your prototype is different depending on where you decide to host it:

You must protect user privacy at all times, even when using prototypes. Prototypes made with the kit look like GOV.UK, but do not have the same security provisions. Always make sure you are handling user data appropriately.

To do

  • Make inclusion of digital land components optional.