
Python script to take screenshots of webpages. Give it a url and it will take a screenshot.

Set up

It is best to work in a virtualenv.

Then install dependencies with

make init

Create a folder for your screenshots, call it screenshots.

How to take screenshots

Take a screenshot of a webpage

python screenshot --url '' --output cj-home

--url is the url --output is name of the saved file

Dimensions of screenshot will default to a viewport of 1200 width and 1600 height.

Set viewport dimensions with the --vwidth and --vheight options.

For example set screenshot to 800x1200

python screenshot --url '' --output cj-home-800 --vwidth 800 --vheight 1200

Take full length screenshot using the --fullpage option. Beware: this will not work if page continues to load new content as you scroll (e.g. twitter)


python screenshot --url 'h' --output cj-notes-full --vwidth 1200 --fullpage True

Take screenshots at iPhone X dimensions

python screenshot --url 'h' --output cj-notes-320 --vwidth 320 --vheight 568 --fullpage True

Take screenshots at iPhone 14 dimensions (I only ignore top notch no go zone)

python screenshot --url 'h' --output cj-notes-390 --vwidth 390 --vheight 797 --fullpage True

Add url to bottom of screenshot using --saveurl option. E.g.

python screenshot --url '' --output cj-home --saveurl True