
Simple bash script to write short notes to Markdown files from the command line.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Simple bash script to write short notes to Markdown files from the command line. Write notes on a single line or use stdin to pass longer multiline notes.

Writes to a default notes.md file but the file to write to can be specified.


  notes [-h] [-f filename] text to write to notes file
    -h              Display help text
    -f filename     filename to write notes to in ~/Documents/notes folder ( default: notes.md )


Single line note into sample.md

  notes -f sample.md the note I want to write

pipe this function's help text into notes.md

  notes -h | notes

Multiline example into default file

>this is a longer multiline note
>following heredoc syntax
>This example writes to the default file (notes.md)

Multiline example with filename specified

notes -f specific_file.md<<NOTE
>this is a longer multiline note
>following heredoc syntax
>This example writes to specific_file.md
>as the -f flag has been passed.


Clone the project to a .bash folder in your home directory:

mkdir ~/.bash
cd ~/.bash
git clone git://github.com/colmose/notes.git

Edit your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc (for Ubuntu) and add the following to the top:

export GITAWAREPROMPT=~/.bash/notes
source "${GITAWAREPROMPT}/notes.sh"

Not Windows compatible!