Marvel styleguide

Base styling for Marvelapp projects.
See for documentation and usage.

Importing marvel styleguide into your projects

Add to your package.json dependencies like so:

	"dependencies": {
		"marvel-styleguide": ""

Then run npm install.

PROTIP: You can add a #version to the end to get a specific version "" would pull version 1.1.12.

With sass-eyeglass

This is a sass-eyeglass module. That means you can set up your project to import any sass files or assets (images, fonts, .etc) by using simple import statements like so:

@import "marvel-styleguide/all"; // Import all.scss
@import "marvel-styleguide/assets"; // Import all assets

To do so you first need to npm install eyeglass --save-dev. The following example assumes you are using node-sass to do your compilation but you can integrate with any sass compilation step.

Here is an example of how to integrate sass-eyeglass

var Eyeglass = require('eyeglass'),
	sass = require('node-sass'),
	path = require('path');

// Your normal node-sass configuration
var sassOptions = options = {
	file: 'src/index.scss',
	outputStyle: 'compressed'

// This is where the magic happens
sassOptions.eyeglass = {
	engines: {
		sass: sass
	root: rootDir,
	// The directory you want to copy assets into
	buildDir: 'dist',
	// The url-prefix to copy assets to, this also changes where they are
	// located. In this example they will be located in  'dist/assets'.
	assets:  {
		httpPrefix: 'assets',

var eyeglass = new Eyeglass(sassOptions);
sass.render(eyeglass.options, function(err, result) {
	// Do whatever you normally do here

Given these settings assets from the module will be imported into dist/assets in your project and their urls will be written as '/assets/something.png'. There are many more ways you can configure this including having relative urls. See sass-eyeglass working with assets for more options.

Installing for development

Clone the repository then npm install.

Maintaining this repo


npm start command will start a development server on port 9000 (configurable via the --port, -p option, e.g., npm start -- --port 6969).

Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser to preview it. Changes will be automatically reloaded.


Execute the npm run build command to compile the CSS and documentation site.
This should be done before all releases.
