
Whitelabel Site for Ruby Communities

Primary LanguageRuby



Source for the Sites of the Ruby Communities Hamburg, Bremen, Cologne, Saarland and Karlsruhe


Use foreman to start the server, otherwise you need to export the options of the .env file manually:

bundle --without=production
rake db:setup
foreman start


For working with the whitelabel functionality, you need to add all supported subdomains to your /etc/hosts :    onruby.dev hamburg.onruby.dev cologne.onruby.dev bremen.onruby.dev saar.onruby.dev karlsruhe.onruby.dev

Access via http://onruby.dev:5000


You need Twitter App credentials in order to have a working login.

See config/initializers/omniauth.rb for details.


Dump Data from Heroku via Taps Gem:

heroku db:pull


There are just a couple of steps for your Ruby Usergroup Site to get alive:

  • fork this repo
  • create a new branch
  • provide mandatory changes to the following files:
    • config/whitelabel.yml
    • config/locales/*.label.yml
    • app/assets/images/labels/your_label.png
  • add optional custom files to:
    • app/assets/images/labels
    • app/assets/stylesheets/labels
    • app/assets/javascripts/labels
  • create pull request
  • lean back and wait :)

If you have a custom domain, you need to setup the CNAME of your domain to point to heroku.

On the admin-site we need to:

  • heroku domains:add xyz.onruby.de [custom.de]
  • merge the pull
  • deploy to heroku
  • add admin privileges to someone for the new RUG


OnRuby Website

Mobile Website

OnRuby Mobile

Admin Interface

The app comes with an ActiveAdmin interface to manage the model data. In order to access the admin stuff, you need to be a registered user with the "admin role". ActiveAdmin is mounted under /admin of your label, so it's hamburg.onruby.de/admin for Hamburg.

Stuff to manage (CRUD)

  • Users
  • Events
    • Materials
    • Topics
  • Locations / Companies (Companies are just special Locations)
  • Wishes (Stuff that user can demand/propose)
  • Jobs (The Display on top of the Page)
  • Highlights (Special infos, that you want to display for a short period of time)



"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): ps@nofail.de wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return Peter Schröder