1. Run 'composer install'
2. Copy .env.sample contents to .env in the root directory and setup your database configuration. (use msyql)
3. Run 'php/bin console doctrine:database:create'
4. Run 'php/bin console doctrine:database:migrate'
5. Run 'php/bin console cache:clear'
6. Run 'symfony server:start' to start the app locally
You can use the classifier by accessing the following two URLs:
input data:
documents: ["...", "..."],
category: "test category"
expected output:
"message":"Succesfully added {X} documents. {Y} documents were invalid."
input data:
documents: ["...", "..."]
expected output:
message": [
"document": {document representation},
"probabilities": {
{probabilities , key=>value pair of probbabilities, sorted DESC}
"belongsTo": {category name of the most probbable category}
{ ... }
by using the BayesClassifier class inside your program, the learn method accepts a Category name and a document text
//include classifier
use App\Classifier\BayesClassifier;
$classifier = new BayesClassifier();
$classifier->learn("lorem ipsum", "...");
$classifier->learn("bacon ipsum", "...");
$classifier->learn("office ipsum", "...");