A Symfony project created on May 19, 2017, 7:11 pm.
This is an example Symfony3 project to meet the requirements found at
-The majority of the code makes use of FOSRestBundle for basic CRUD functionality.
-Guard token authentication was used for authentication against Put, Post & Delete and requires a username and token be added to the user table.
-For created and updated fields StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle was used for the timestampable feature.
-Kahlan package is installed with a basic spec file.
-Config file is set to use 'p4ssw0rd' for the local mysql database named 'symfony', adjust accordingly.
-Undone: Doctrine fixtures for loading seed data. I manually inserted dummy data during development and have reached the time limit.
REST API Endpoints
/product - Basic CRUD endpoints for GET, POST, PUT & DELETE /category - Just a GET