
Ansible setup for the Automatic Ripping Machine

MIT LicenseMIT

Automatic Ripping Machine Ansible Role

An Ansible role that sets up the Automatic Ripping Machine on Ubuntu Xenial.


There are no pre-requisites other than Ubuntu Xenial, but it's recommended to install the A.R.M. inside a virtual machine as it takes over the DVD/Blu-ray drive completely.

Installation instructions that use a Vagrant virtual machine can be found in the README for A.R.M..

Role Variables

  • ´arm_setup_cifs_user´ CIFS (samba) user to connect as. If left blank, log in as guest.
  • ´arm_setup_cifs_password´ CIFS (samba) password.
  • ´arm_setup_cifs_path´ CIFS share to mount.
  • ´arm_setup_cifs_mount_point´ Where to mount the CIFS share (default: "/mnt/video").
  • ´arm_setup_armpath´: Where unidentified ripped movies are stored (default: "/vagrant/Data/Media/Unidentified").
  • ´arm_setup_rawpath´: Path for storing raw data (default: "/vagrant/Data/Raw").
  • ´arm_setup_media_dir´: Path for storing correctly identified movies (default: "/vagrant/Data/Media/Movies").



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - { role: automatic-ripping-machine }



Author Information

Created by Johan Swetén Automatic Ripping Machine by Benjamin Bryan