Landing page for Colorado Code for Communities
#How to Code for this Repo Option A: Fork, Edit, then Pull Request when ready. Option B: If in the CC4C Brigade, Develop/test in your own branch, preferablly a feature-named-branch, and once it's ready for production, merge into gh-pages, which auto deploys to GitHub pages for
Also, it's nice if you merge/commit to gh-pages, that you let the team know on our Google Group.
#License Apache License, Version 2.0
#Attribution and Thanks This repo and the site uses Twitter Bootstrap and started from their Carousel jumbotron template. They are awesome. Our landing page is forked from the work done by Bret Fisher of the Code for Virginia Beach Brigade
#Issues, Questions, Wana Help? We take Pull Requests! See for getting involved, and if outside the Denver region. Use github's issues if you see a problem or have a feature request. You can contact the maintainer Jason Lally at or @synchronouscity