Research data supporting "MineSweeper: a "clean sweep" for drop-in use-after-free prevention"

This is the artifact for the ASPLOS'22 paper MineSweeper: a "clean sweep" for drop-in use-after-free prevention. Version 1.1.0


This directory contains scripts to build, run and evaluate our implementation's time and memory usage cost over the C/C++ portion of the SPEC CPU© 2006 benchmark suite.

The implementation itself comes in two separate repositories. These are added as submodules to this one, therefore you can get them by using the --recurse-submodules option when cloning this repository:

git clone --recurse-submodules

(Note: If you cloned without this option, the folders minesweeper-public and jemalloc-msweeper-public will be empty, but the script will populate them for you by calling scripts/

For license reasons, we cannot include the SPEC files, so you will need to add your .iso disk image yourself. Add this to the root directory of this repository. Make sure the file name matches *cpu2006*.iso (i.e. it contains "cpu2006" and the extension is ".iso").

How to run

After cloning the repository and inserting the SPEC .iso disk image (as described above), you can simply build, run and evaluate the results as follows:

cd scripts

If debugging is needed, you want to customise your run (e.g. because you do not have sudo rights), or you just want to build the repository, you can also issue the commands manually. See scripts/ for details of what each script does, and what order they are designed to be invoked in. Note: All the scripts need to be invoked with the working directory set to asplos22-minesweeper-reproduce/scripts!

The results will be printed to the screen and placed in two text files in the results folder.

System requirements

We created and tested this artifact on Ubuntu 18.04 and newer. Older versions, or a different Linux distribution should also work, but this is untested, and you may need to change the package names and/or their install method (see scripts/ The artifact is designed to run on x86_64, and some implementation details are specific to this, however porting to different architectures should be possible.

Using docker: If you are struggling to get the code to run on your system (e.g. if you have a different OS/distribution/release), you can try using our setup on the ubuntu:18.04 image in docker below. This should produce a correct output on x86_64 systems:

--- On host (written for Linux) ---
git clone --recurse-submodules
cp spec-cpu2006.iso asplos22-minesweeper-reproduce/cpu2006.iso #Add SPEC CPU2006 disk image
tar cf reproduce.tar asplos22-minesweeper-reproduce
docker run --name minesweeper-reproduce --privileged -ti ubuntu:18.04 bash
docker cp reproduce.tar minesweeper-reproduce:/reproduce.tar

--- Inside container ---
apt update && apt install tar git
tar xf reproduce.tar
cd asplos22-minesweeper-reproduce/scripts

Results to expect

As reported in the paper, this setup1 produced the following results on our machine in terms of geometric mean over the whole benchmark set:

Slowdown: 4.9% Memory over: 14.8%

Every system differs, and you might see somewhat different results (on another machine we saw lower partial overheads, and we saw higher overheads for schemes we reproduced than reported in the original papers), but the results should be in the same region.

Note that failures will change the geomean results, so watch out for this if the script reports failed benchmarks.


  1. For the reported results, we took the median of three runs, whereas the artifact only runs the tests a single time to save time.