
Shorten My Link by Using Meteor + Redux + Redux-Loop

  1. View only handle rendering data and clicking event from props.

  2. Clicking event or any other interaction will send an action to Reducer.

  3. Reducer will define and run handlers for actions.

  4. Handler only return new state and side effects.
    (here, side effects will define what action to send after exectued done)

  5. Side effects will be executed by Redux-Loop.

  6. After side effects executed done, they will send previous defined action to Reducer.

  7. Again, Reducer will run handlers for actions.

  8. Every state changed (at step 4 and 7) will be sent to View and again, View will render data from new state (at step 1)

How to run

  1. Install meteor
  2. git clone + npm install + run meteor in terminal