
Elm like js framework built on top of cycle-react.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fun React

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Fun React is a React framework.


Because I love functional programming and ELM, but I can only use JS in work.


If you know ELM:

Great! Fun React is perfect for you. Because it basically mimic almost everything of ELM 0.17. I bet you can know how to use Fun React right after check the following example.

If you are using Redux:

The overall concept is the same: the state reducer. The main differences are:

  1. We call reducers as update functions
  2. We use simple type system to replace redux action
  3. We use program instead of <Provider />
  4. There is no connect.
    • For data, we encourage to pass data all the way down.
    • For event, we use very simple event system, there is only two function need to know:
      • event: event declaration
      • link: event binding between parent and children

If you are using Cycle React:



npm install --save fun-react cycle-react react rx


To run example

cd examples/__the_example__
npm install
npm start

then open http://localhost:8080 in browser.

Basic counter

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import {
} from 'fun-react'

// 1. define message types by function createTypes
const Msg = createTypes('INC', 'DEC')

// 2. define init data
const init = 0

// 3. define update function
const update = caseOf({
  INC: (_, count) => count + 1,
  DEC: (_, count) => count - 1

// 4. define view by function createView
const Counter = createView('Counter', ({model}, {event}) => (
    <h1>Count: {model}</h1>
    <button onClick={event(Msg.INC)}>INC</button>
    <button onClick={event(Msg.DEC)}>DEC</button>

// 5. compose program by the defined `init`, `update`, `view`
const Program = createProgram({
  init: fromSimpleInit(init),
  update: fromSimpleUpdate(update),
  view: Counter,
  inputs: () => []

// 6. mount the Program to actual DOM
const rootEl = document.getElementById('app')
ReactDOM.render(<Program />, rootEl)

Nested counter


Use with vanilla React


Use with flowtype


Learn more



The name imply the philosophy. So why name it Fun React:

  1. We treat react element as a functor of event and the virtual dom is the context of the functor, so Fun React means: Functor React.
  2. It is fun.

TODO explain what is Functor, and why can react element be a functor


  • restructure examples
    • nested counter
    • todo list
    • cycle interoperable
    • react interoperable
  • write doc
    • README
    • API document
    • the config options
  • add jsbin env
  • add test
  • Try to upgrade to rx 5 or annotate rx 4
