
Coloriz's personal macOS setup ansible playbook

Mac Development Setup (Ansible Playbook)

This project is highly inspired by Jeff Geerling's mac-dev-playbook.

What's in this repo?


  1. Go to System Settings > Privacy & Security > Developer Tools, and Add the preferred terminal application to the list.

  2. Install Homebrew.

  3. Install ansible and git by running brew install ansible git.

  4. Clone this repository to your local drive and change working directory to there.

  5. (Optional) Copy post tasks to post_tasks directory.

  6. (Optional) Enable DoH by double-clicking cloudflare-https.mobileconfig.

  7. Run softwareupdate --all --install --force to upgrade to the latest software.

  8. (Apple Silicon only) Run softwareupdate --install-rosetta to install Rosetta.

  9. Run ansible-playbook main.yml.

  10. Configure iTerm2.

    1. Open iTerm2.
    2. Go to Preferences > General > Preferences
    3. Check Load preferences from a custom folder or URL and select files/iTerm2 directory.

Running a specific set of tasks

You can filter which part of the provisioning process to run either by manually changing variables defined in config.yml (start with configure_*), or specifying a set of tags using ansible-playbook command's --tags flag. The tags available are keyboard, menubar, dock, finder, homebrew, mas, karabiner, and post.

ansible-playbook main.yml --tags "finder,keyboard"