
Pannellum library written in C#

Primary LanguageC#

Pannellum .NET

Pannellum Library written in C# (only part of).

uses WPF as a viewer.


  • OpenTK (>= 3.0.0-pre)
  • OpenTK.GLControl (>= 3.0.0-pre)
  • OpenCvSharp3 (for reading video frame)



Panorama rendering library written in C#, it requires OpenTK to make a GL surface in WPF controls. The original project is https://github.com/mpetroff/pannellum.

📃 Documentation

class EquirecToRect
public float Pitch { get; set; }

Pitch to render at (in radians)

public float Yaw { get; set; }

Yaw to render at (in radians)

public float Roll { get; set; }

Camera Roll (in radians)

public EquirectToRect(GLControl viewer, System.Drawing.Size size, float haov, float vaov, float voffset, float hfov)

Initialize renderer.

  • viewer : GLControl object
  • size : Size of the viewer
  • haov : Horizontal angle of view (in radians)
  • vaov : Vertical angle of view (in radians)
  • voffset : Vertial offset (in radians)
  • hfov : Horizontal field of view (in radians) (recommend 100 * Math.PI / 180)
public void Render(OpenCvSharp.Mat frame)

Render the scene based on properties (Pitch, Yaw, Roll, etc...). All properties are re-calculated to ensure if they are in valid ranges. This method also makes the viewer current context and performs swapping buffers.

  • frame : the frame to be rendered



  • ⬅➡ : Yaw
  • ⬆⬇ : Pitch
  • Page Up, Page Down : Roll




Render the scene based on the pose information of a Fove HMD.
