
Primary LanguageGroovy

Event registeration command on Wechat implemented on Mule ESB

Technology stack:

  • Mule ESB 3.6 community
  • Mongodb 3.0

Simple logic:

  • Subscribe subscription account
  • Input 1 to register, 2 to validate and 3 to unregister
  • Input xxx to check in
  • Input 888 for report


微信实现社区活动注册签到 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3ODEwOTYwMQ==&mid=205523677&idx=1&sn=1c0dd5fddedf534b467af99227e3ee32&scene=4#wechat_redirect

Open issue:

  • no signature validation
  • no wechat menu (restricted by UNAUTHARIZED subscription wechat account)
  • no decent scan to register and check in (no authorized API)
  • text-based, no multimedia message
  • no readable name (no authorized API)