
Lightweight scripting to add/modify/delete/query specific format ini file

Primary LanguagePython


Lightweight scripting to add/modify/delete/query specific format ini file

Getting Started

Start by using python3.7 ini_editor -h to get all usage.

usage: ini_editor.py [-h] {doctor,query,add,modify,delete} ...

positional arguments:
    doctor              检查依赖环境
    query               查询 SECTION 某个 KEY 的值
    add                 添加 KEY - VALUE 键值对到 SECTION 下
    modify              修改 SECTION 下某个 KEY 的值
    delete              删除 SECTION 下某个 KEY

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

query operation:

python3.7 ini_editor.py query [-h] -s SECTION -k KEY

add operation:

python3.7 ini_editor.py add [-h] -s SECTION -k KEY -v VALUE

modify operation:

python3.7 ini_editor.py modify [-h] -s SECTION -k KEY -v VALUE

delete operation:

python3.7 ini_editor.py delete [-h] -s SECTION -k KEY


Here Provide setup.py, so you can use setuptools to install it like this .

python3.7 setup.py sdist

pip3.7 install dist/ini_editor-1.0.0.tar.gz

# now you can use ini_editor anywhere
ini_editor -h
