
A tiny function that dispatches events in the same tab that localStorage and sessionStorage are changed in.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tiny function that dispatches events in the same tab that localStorage and sessionStorage are changed in.

No dependencies!
Much blazing!
Only ~800b!

npm i storage-changed
# or, if u r cool...
yarn add storage-changed

The Problem

When localStorage or sessionStorage are changed, a storage event is emitted, but it can only be picked up by other open tabs of the same origin. Sometimes you need access to that event in the tab that it was dispatched from, as well.

// Does not work.
window.addEventListener('storage', doCoolShit)
localStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar')

The Solution

The solution is storage-changed, obviously.

import storageChanged from 'storage-changed'


// Now this shit do work!
window.addEventListener('storageChanged', doCoolShit)

The Options

The first argument must be a string, one of: "local" or "session" to determine which storage you wish to emit events for.

You can pass an options object as the second argument to storageChanged. This options object currently supports one property: eventName. Setting the eventName will allow you flexibility to have different names for different targets, such as localStorage and sessionStorage.

storageChanged('session', {
  eventName: 'TonyDanza'

window.addEventListener('TonyDanza', doBadAssShit)

The Event

As with any event listener, an event is provided to your callback. In this instance, I don't know what the fuck all is in the event, but I can guarantee you that event.detail will have two properties: key, and value. These values represent the storage key that changed and the new value that accompanies the change.

storageChanged('local', {
  eventName: 'TonyDanza'

window.addEventListener('TonyDanza', (event) => {

localStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar')
// { key: 'foo', value: 'bar' }