

The Interface class is how the user interacts with the machine. It is the front end. The VendingMachine Class does all of the calculations. It is the backend.

How to use

  1. Git Clone this repo on your machine
  2. Run bundle install
  3. confirm you are tin the /app directory
  4. run ruby interface.rb


  • 15 minutes - Puesdo-Code and mapping
  • 1 hour - First pass through Vending Machine with core functions - add_coin, enough_change?, check_curr_coin. Spent most of the time with enough_change?. Orginally function was used to calculate the change to be returned to the user.
  • 1.5 hour - refractor core functions and add smaller DRY functions
  • 30 minutes - Dealing with @cash conversion. Eventually went with BigDecimal to remove issues with floats.
  • 45 minutes - Interface.
  • 30 minutes - Cleaning up interface for readability.