
Multivariate data visualization using D3.js and React.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chernoff Faces


This project is about exploring Chernoff faces.

Imagine visually comparing election results as they're rolling in on election day. You want to see how things like voter turnout, dem-to-repub ratio, votes counted, etc compare across a few select states. There are a number of separate categories (states) and lots of variables for each one, each with their own range of possible values.

Very quickly, things gets complicated and hard to follow.

One possible solution is to leverage our adeptness at facial recognition by representing a subset of those voting variables as facial features on a set of faces, where each face represents a state.

This project aims to make producing and manipulating Chernoff faces easy.


Just open public/index.html in a browser.


  • ./bootstrap.sh


  • brew update && brew install node
  • npm install
  • npm install -g bower
  • bower install


Launch the server using npm start. Then, go to localhost:8080/index.html. You can also open this main page with npm run index after the server is running.

Other details:

  • Launch static server: npm start

  • Open the main html page: npm run index

  • Run tests npm test

  • Build out the client side bundle (if any changes in lib/): npm run build

  • Launch basic REPL: npm run repl

  • Learn about all scripts: npm run


See doc/development_log.md for notes on the development of this project.

Also, see doc/arch for a sequential list of files with architecture decisions listed.

To Do

Test it with a complex example?


Thanks to Lars Kotthoff for the chernoff d3 plugin!