
A web server that accepts uploads

Primary LanguagePython

Alessio Nginx

A simple file server than can accept uploads. Built with ❤️ for Alessio.

File Server

Start the file server.

Yep--that's it. Just one line.

# Omit the -d if you want to run the server in the foreground to see logs
docker-compose up -d

Go to http://localhost:8000 to view your server.

Note that nginx is running as root inside the docker container, so the files it writes as the result of an upload will be owned by root. In practice, you'd probably want to mount a docker volume rather than the ./shared_files directory into the container. However, using a local directory makes it easier to see what's going on. You can add any files or directories you want to shared_files and nginx will serve them. You could also change the permissions on shared_files/uploads to be writable by everyone, and then run nginx as non-root by removing the user root directive from nginx.conf.

File Server Config

Set your desired autoindex_format value in nginx.conf. nginx can serve html (human readable) or json (machine readable) data. The autoindex_format value can be set independently to either html or json for both the / and /uploads/ locations. If you change the autoindex_format values you'll need to stop and restart your server to load the new configuration. The python client's client.put() and client.get() methods will work with either setting, the client.ls() method will only work if serving json.

Python client

Communicate programmatically with the file server using python. Code found in client.py.

Create and source a virtual environment using python 3.7+

python -m venv env
source ./env/bin/activate

Install necessary package(s)

pip install -r requirements.txt

Work with the client

# From the root directory of this project
>>> import client

# If you get a JSONDecodeError you need to change your server from html to json
>>> client.ls()
# Open file in binary mode and load bytes to the server
>>> with open("path_to_some_file", "rb") as f:
        data = f.read()
        url = client.put("my_filename.whatever", data)
>>> url

# Download the file I just uploaded
>>> data = client.get(url)
>>> with open("my_ouput_file.whatever", "wb") as f:

Upload files from the command line


python client.py mynewfilename.whatever /path/to/file/i/want/to/upload/file.whatever

For example:

python client.py new-docker-compose.yaml ./docker-compose.yaml

Now check the /uploads/ directory of your file server and the local shared_files directory.

Client Config

Set global variables in client.py as needed. The default values will work fine for local development

SERVER_URL = "http://localhost"

Shut things down

Stop web server:

docker-compose down

Deactivate python virtual environment:


Remove shared_files directory:

# Need sudo because files were written by nginx running as root
sudo rm -rf shared_files


Deploy this service behind a traefik reverse proxy that provides TLS, http -> https redirects, etc. for a secure production deployment. See Docker Swarm Rocks for a great overview.

If you want a server that only allows uploads without serving any files, just remove/comment out the autoindex directives on the /uploads/ location (and potentially remove the / location, if desired) and your server will accept uploads, but not serve files back to end users.

Further Research

This project is built on the built-in nginx module ngx_http_dav_module. It is using the WebDAV protocol to allow basic HTTP methods like PUT and DELETE. Other methods can be added if needed. Do an internet search for nginx webdav to find examples and more details.