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You must be on PeopleTools 8.55 or later.


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How to Use

The PS-Jsonify library offers three consumer App Classes: PSM_JSON:Object, PSM_JSON:Array, and PSM_JSON:Node. These three classes can be used to build and parse JSON Objects, Arrays, and Nodes respectively.

Building JSON Objects

Use the PSM_JSON:Object Class to build JSON Objects.

Local PSM_JSON:Object &oJson = create PSM_JSON:Object();

The various AddXxx methods allow you to add PeopleCode object types to the JSON Object.

Local Rowset &rsOperDefn = CreateRowset(Record.PSOPRDEFN);
&rsOperDefn.Fill("WHERE OPRID = 'PS'");
&oJson.AddRowset("MyRowset", &rsOperDefn);

Use the AddProperty method if you are unsure of the data or object type.

Local any &aValue = CreateArrayAny("test", True, 6, Null);
If Int(Rand() * 10) > 5 Then
   &aValue = Null;
&oJson.AddProperty("MyProperty", &aValue);

Invoke the ToJsonString method to get the JSON String output.

Local String &sOutput = &oJson.ToJsonString();

See the JSON Object section to view all of the available methods and properties.

Building JSON Arrays

Use the PSM_JSON:Array Class to build JSON Arrays.

Local PSM_JSON:Array &oJson = create PSM_JSON:Array();

The various AddXxx methods allow you to add PeopleCode object types to the JSON Array.

Local Record &rPsOptions = CreateRecord(Record.PSOPTIONS);

Use the AddElement method if you are unsure of the data or object type.

Local any &aValue = %Request;
If Int(Rand() * 10) > 5 Then
   &aValue = %Response;

Invoke the ToJsonString method to get the JSON String output.

Local String &sOutput = &oJson.ToJsonString();

See the JSON Array section to view all of the available methods and properties.

Building JSON Nodes

Use the PSM_JSON:Node Class to build JSON Nodes.

Local PSM_JSON:Node &oJson = create PSM_JSON:Node();

The various SetXxx methods allow you convert PeopleCode object types to a JSON Node.

Local PTPP_COLLECTIONS:Shortcut &oCref;
&oCref = create PTPP_COLLECTIONS:Shortcut(%Portal, "PT_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GBL");

Invoke the ToJsonString method to get the JSON String output.

Local String &sOutput = &oJson.ToJsonString();

See the JSON Node section to view all of the available methods and properties.

Note: Not all PeopleCode object types are supported. ToJsonString will return the object type name as a String if you use an unsupported type.