Osu Object Parsing and Analysis Suite

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Osu Object Parsing and Analysis Suite

What is OOPAS

OOPAS is a set of libraries meant to make reading and analyzing certain osu files easy. These libraries will read and parse map files and replay flies. It will perform scoring/judging of the replay on the map and return useful information about what happened. This allows for easy creation of tools that can show different metrics and statistics about plays that simply isn't stored in any immediately readable form.
This project is currently written in lua, targeting luajit (lua 5.1 with some 5.2 extensions) since lua is the language I am most comfortable with. In the future when I'm satisfied with it's accuracy I will personally port this to javascript which will probably be more useful.

Note: The goal of this lib is to create accurate results and be easy to use, it is not(yet) meant to be fast.

Libraries included in this repo:

  • Beatmap reader/parser
    • includes a slider parser/path generator
    • allows you to apply mods and all values are adjusted accordingly
  • Beatmap difficulty calculator -PP calculator (port of oppai-ng)
  • Replay reader/parser
  • Play scoring (the main goal of this project)
    • UR/error metrics (easy)
    • 300s/100s/50s/misses gotten and when
    • slider breaks, what/when and why
    • "realtime" scoring? (for use in situations where you only have replay data up to a certain point for ex. spectating? *hint)
  • Documentation/wiki
    • how judging works/numbers/formulas
    • how sliders work (omfg how they are complicated)
    • how slider paths are calculated
    • spinners ⭕
    • gotchas/edge cases (slider ends/ticks with early key presses etc.)
    • combo/score
    • difficulty values (AR/OD/etc)
      • possibly how difficulty is calculated (strains etc)
    • modifiers



Future plans

Stuff that has already been written, just needs to be cleaned/re-written:

  • Write/design new scoring system (current spaghetti system won't cut it 😕)
  • scoring
    • circles/slider heads
    • spinners
    • sliders
    • combo
    • score
  • Slider parsing
    • path generation
  • Beatmap parsing
    • error reporting (without error()/crashing)
  • Difficulty / PP calculation

To do: (please help 🆘)

  • Write/design API
  • testing
  • Make more accurate! please help!

How to use


For luajit either follow the instructions on juajit's website to download and build, or use pre-built binaries from somewhere like luapower, luaforwindows, or other sources. like this one from sourceforge.

Another option is to install luarocks, or straight from lua.org. remember that this project targets lua 5.1/5.2

Once you have your lua binary you need to download or compile my custom version of lua-lzma, which was ported to lua 5.2, and made to work with "standard" lzma files. All you need to do is place the dll into the project directory or in the same directory as your lua binary.

A note on compiling lua-lzma: I created a new makefile inside the src folder to compile using mingw, the lua source paths and such are hard coded, so the makefile will need editing, sorry I'm not good with c...

from there it's just a matter of runing the project. Make sure you are in the project's directory and run [luapath].exe test/test.lua


Debian/Ubuntu: Install lua

sudo apt-get install luajit libluajit-5.1-dev

Install lua-lzma

git clone https://github.com/columna1/lua-lzma
cd lua-lzma/src
rm Makefile
cp Makefilelin Makefile
nano Makefile

Change luaDIR to correctly reflect lua's source path (default is /usr/lib/luajit-2.0/ or /usr/lib/lua5.x/)

cp lzma.so [oopas]


luajit test/test.lua

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