
Animation FPS (framerate) Observer.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

fpsObserver (fps-observer) : JS Framerate monitoring

This simple crossbrowser library helps you to monitor the window global framerate, or your individual animation loops framerates. Each instance of the observer returns an object containing some useful methods, and a stabilized (averaged) FPS value obtained by involving multiple samples (configurable ammount), with accurate values, based in calculations from timestamps from the accurate performance.now().

See an example visual FPS graph in action here

Note: This library does not provide any GUI element for FPS visualization, but an Object instead with all the framerate information.

Usage examples

Automatic mode :

import {fpsObserver} from './fps-observer.is';

let myAnimationFPS = new fpsObserver();

// create an animation loop 
function myLoop(){
    console.log( 'Framerate :' , myAnimationFPS.value );
    /* perform your canvas drawing... */
    requestAnimationFrame( myGameLoop );

Manual mode :

import {fpsObserver} from './fps-observer.is';

let myAnimationFPS = new fpsObserver();
myAnimationFPS.auto = false; // disable auto mode

// create an animation loop 
function myLoop(){
    myAnimationFPS.tick(); // trigger a new tick
    console.log( 'Framerate :' , myAnimationFPS.value );

    /* perform your canvas drawing... */

    requestAnimationFrame( myGameLoop );

Constructor Syntax :

new fpsObserver( autoMode ); 

Parameters :

  • autoMode : Boolean to set the status of the automatic mode ( default : true )


  • new fpsObserver instance object

Properties and methods :

The fpsObserver Constructor will create and init a new observer instance and return an object with the following properties and methods :

  • fpsObserver.prototype.value : Holds the averaged value of the framerate
  • fpsObserver.prototype.auto : Enable/disable the automatic mode (default : true)
  • fpsObserver.prototype.sampleSize : Integer to define the ammount of samples to collect to average the FPS ( default : 30 )
  • fpsObserver.prototype.reset() : Reset the samples collection. Useful after resuming a paused loop
  • fpsObserver.prototype.disconnect() : Disables the Observer
  • fpsObserver.prototype.tick() : Method to call manually in each Animation loop cycle, when automatic mode is disabled. It keeps track of each cycle times.

Package distribution

This library can be obtained using any of the following methods :

Npm : Install using the package manager

$ npm install fps-observer -s

Git : Clone from Github... (Or download the latest release here)

$ git clone https://github.com/colxi/fps-observer

CDN : Inlcude the latest release of the library in your HTML head

Warning : Not recomended for production enviroments!

<script src="https://colxi.info/fps-observer/src/main.js"></script>

Note : When included in the HTML head, the fpsObserver constructor becomes available as window.fpsObserver