
js-harmony library is a set of musical related methods and definitions, designed to generate Notes, Intervals, Chords and Scales.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


js-harmony library is a set of musical related methods and definitions, dessigned to generate Notes, Intervals, Chords and Scales. It provides some custom Objects types, and validations functions. The supported structures and types are are the following :

  • Intervals : 'dim' | 'm' | 'P' | 'M' | 'aug'
  • Chords : 'major' | 'minor' | 'dim' | 'aug' | 'max7'| 'm7' | '7' | 'semidim'
  • Major Scales : 'ionian'
  • Minor Scales : 'aeolian' | 'harmonic' | 'bachian' | 'melodic'
  • Modes: 'ionian' | 'dorian' | 'phrygian' | 'lydian' | 'mixolydian' | 'aeolian' | 'locrian'

Package distribution networks :

In browser enviroment you can include this library using the jsdelivr CDN ...

<script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/colxi/js-harmony@1.4/js-harmony.min.js'></script>

If you are in the NodeJs enviroment, can install the package via:

npm install js-harmony

Usage :

All the available methods of the library underlie on the main JSHarmony Object. (Note: the JSHarmony.makeNote() method could be considered the starting point of most of the interactions with the Library)

var cNote = JSHarmony.makeNote("C##8");
/* OUTPUT -> 
  name: "C", 
  accidentals: ["#" , "#"], 
  octave: 8, 
  duration: 1

var cMinorChord = JSHarmony.makeChord(cNote, "minor");
/* OUTPUT -> 
  type : "minor",
  notes: [
    Note{ name:"C", accidentals:["#", "#"], octave:"8", duration:1 },
    Note{ name:"E", accidentals:["#"], octave:"8", duration:1 },
    Note{ name:"G", accidentals:["#", "#"], octave:"8", duration:1 }


Will return an Object containing the requested Item

  • makeNote : ƒ (noteName)
  • makeChord : ƒ (rootNote, type)
  • makeChordFromGrade : ƒ (tonallityRootNote,grade,mode,triad_FLAG)
  • makeInterval : ƒ (grade, quality, direction, rootNote)
  • makeIntervalNote : ƒ (grade , quality, direction, rootNote)
  • makeScale : ƒ (mode,name,rootNote)
  • getChordTypeFromGrade : ƒ (grade,mode,triad_FLAG)
  • getGradeMode : ƒ (grade,mode)


Will help to identify or check some qualities or types about the provided items

  • isAccidentalsArray : ƒ (array)
  • isChordName : ƒ (chordName)
  • isMode : ƒ (mode)
  • isNote : ƒ (noteObj)
  • isNoteArray : ƒ (array)
  • isNoteName : ƒ (note)

Definitions :

Some internal musical definitions, structures, and academic standards and conventions

  • def : {scale: {…}, accidentals: {…}, intervals: {…}, scales: {…}, modes: {…}, …}

Misc :

Many general prupose methods, and randomizers.

  • objType : ƒ (obj)
  • randomChord : ƒ (root,type)
  • randomKey : ƒ (array)
  • randomNote : ƒ (name, accidentals, octave)
  • scaleExist : ƒ (mode,scale)
  • toNotesArray : ƒ (notesHandler)



Disclaimer: This package has no relation with the database focused package @apHarmony/jsharmony