
DEVIL installs a docker based local environment that includes nginx, php, and mysql. Host as many web sites you want using a single web container.

Primary LanguageShell


DEVIL installs a docker based local environment that includes nginx, php, and mysql. Host as many web sites you want using a single web container.

What It Includes

  • PHP Composer
  • Docker
  • Docker Machine
  • Docker Compose

What It DOES NOT Include

  • VirtualBox. Docker Machine boots up a VM using VirtualBox, so be sure to install that first.

Basic Installation

DEVIL is installed by running a shell script via curl: (Note: at the moment, it requires that you are running ZSH as your shell environment)

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/colynb/devil/master/tools/install-zsh.sh)"

Container Setup

Once you've installed the DEVIL cli, you can use it to install all the docker dev tools:

> devil install

With those installed, you can start up your development containers:

> devil up