A library that provides functions for consuming the Strava API V3.
Currently only auth and the GET methods are available. Not all resources have been tested. The library is currently in development and provided functions may change at any time.
Note: Requires Clojure 1.7 alpha and core.async alpha!
Leiningen dependency:
[ekimber/clj-strava "0.1.1"]
Place your secret in a .lein-env
file {:strava-secret "your secret" :strava-id 1234}
in the project root,
or supply environment variables STRAVA_SECRET
NS require :
(:require [clj-strava.api :as strava]
[clojure.core.async :refer [<!!]])
To acquire a token, obtain a code as described here: http://strava.github.io/api/v3/oauth/
Then we can swap the code for an access token:
(strava/swap-tokens code)
Pass in the access token to the API functions. They require a map of URL replacements where appropriate and additional query params can be passed in an optional map. Keywordized JSON is returned on an async channel.
Example: list activities
(<!! (strava/activities access-token {"per_page 5"}))
Example: list athlete's KOMs
(<!! (strava/athlete-koms access-token {:id 490421} {"per_page" 5}))
activities "/v3/athlete/activities"
activity "/v3/activities/:id" :id
activity-streams "/v3/activities/:id/streams/:types" :id :types
activity-comments "/v3/activities/:id/comments" :id
activity-kudos "/v3/activities/:id/kudos" :id
activity-zones "/v3/activities/:id/zones" :id
athlete "/v3/athlete"
athlete-by-id "/v3/athletes/:id" :id
friends "/v3/athlete/friends"
athlete-friends "/v3/athletes/:id/friends" :id
followers "/v3/athlete/followers"
athlete-followers "/v3/athletes/:id/followers" :id
both-following "/v3/athletes/:id/both-following" :id
athlete-koms "/v3/athletes/:id/koms" :id
athlete-clubs "/v3/athlete/clubs"
clubs "/v3/clubs/:id" :id
club-members "/v3/clubs/:id/members" :id
club-activities "/v3/clubs/:id/activities" :id
gear "/v3/gear/:id" :id
segments "/v3/segments/:id" :id
segment-efforts "/v3/segments/:id/all_efforts" :id
leaderboards "v3/segments/:id/leaderboard" :id
starred-segments "v3/athlete/:id/segments/starred" :id
explore-segments "/v3/segments/explore"
all-efforts "/v3/segments/:id/all_efforts" :id
segment-streams "v3/segments/:id/streams/:types" :id :types
effort-streams "/v3/segment_efforts/:id/streams/:types" :id :types
uploads "/v3/uploads"
Copyright © 2014 Edward Kimber
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.