
This is an early experiment into using PEP 523 to expose fusion opportunities in PyTorch. It dynamically rewrites Python bytecode in order to extract sequences of PyTorch operations into an FX Graph which is just in time compiled with a user-defined compiler. It creates this FX Graph through bytecode analysis, and is designed to generating smaller graph fragments that can be mixed with Python execution. The name is a reference/homage to DynamoRIO, which dynamically translates machine code.

For more information see progress updates posted on


Python 3.8 is highly recommended. Python 3.7 works, but is only sporadically tested and has lower coverage. Other python versions are untested.

For running TorchBench, use the fork found here. This contains a few minor fixes that have not yet been merged upstream.

Initial Development Setup

git clone torchbenchmark
cd torchbenchmark
env PYTHON_VERSION=3.8 ./scripts/
cd ..

git clone
cd torchdynamo
conda activate torchbenchmark
pip3 install torch tabulate
make setup
python develop  # compiles C/C++ extension
pytest  # run tests

Tests and Measurement

Run all tests with:

conda activate torchbenchmark  # if not activated already
make test

Run all torchbench models with:

conda activate torchbenchmark  # if not activated already
make torchbench

The script contains many options for working with torchbench models:

  • ./ will measure operator coverage
  • ./ --overhead will measure overheads (without doing any optimizations)
  • see ./ --help for options

Development workflow

Tests set torchdynamo.config.debug = True, which triggers useful printouts if you add the -vs option when running tests.

For example, to look deeper into what this test is doing:

def test_viatorch(a, b):
    return torch.sub(a, b)

run it with:

python develop && pytest -vsk test_viatorch

which prints out:


fx.symbolic_trace graph:
opcode         name    target                                                  args    kwargs
-------------  ------  ------------------------------------------------------  ------  --------
placeholder    a       a                                                       ()      {}
placeholder    b       b                                                       ()      {}
call_function  sub     <built-in method sub of type object at 0x7f4e1b80f920>  (a, b)  {}
output         output  output                                                  (sub,)  {}

opcode         name    target                                                  args        kwargs
-------------  ------  ------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------
placeholder    a_0     a_0                                                     ()          {}
placeholder    b_1     b_1                                                     ()          {}
call_function  sub     <built-in method sub of type object at 0x7f4e1b80f920>  (a_0, b_1)  {}
output         output  output                                                  (sub,)      {}

116           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (torch)
              2 LOAD_METHOD              1 (sub)
              4 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
              6 LOAD_FAST                1 (b)
              8 CALL_METHOD              2
             10 RETURN_VALUE

114           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              2 (__compiled_fn_0)
              2 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
              4 LOAD_FAST                1 (b)
              6 CALL_FUNCTION            2
              8 RETURN_VALUE

 - local 'a' TYPE_MATCH
 - local 'b' TYPE_MATCH
 - global 'torch' FUNCTION_MATCH

this output contains:

  1. The FX graph captured by fx.symbolic_trace() (for baseline comparison)
  2. The FX graph generated by TorchDynamo
  3. The Python bytecode of the original function
  4. The modified Python bytecode generated by TorchDynamo
  5. The guards generated to check if the generated code is valid

A useful (test driven development) workflow when adding a feature is:

  1. Add a test for the behavior you want to add
  2. Run the test with pytest -vsk <test_name>
  3. Fix issues
  4. Go to step 2

Linting and automatic code formatting

This project is auto-formatted with black and clang-format.

  • pip install flake8 black first, then:
  • make format to reformat all files
  • make lint to run linters