
ADS-B to Cursor on Target (CoT) Gateway.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

adsbcot - ADSB Cursor-on-Target Gateway.

Screenshot of ADS-B PLI in ATAK

The adsbcot ADS-B Cursor on Target Gateway transforms ADS-B aircraft location data to Cursor on Target (CoT) Position Location Information (PLI) for display on Situational Awareness (SA) applications such as the Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK), WinTAK, RaptorX, et al.

ADS-B data can be read from various sources, including:

  1. dump1090 Aircraft JSON HTTP feed, see: https://github.com/flightaware/dump1090/blob/master/README-json.md
  2. ADSBExchange API call: https://www.adsbexchange.com/data/

CoT PLIs can be transmitted to SA clients using:

  1. TCP Unicast to a specified port:address pair.
  2. UDP Broadcast to a specified broadcast or multicast port:address pair.

For more information on the TAK suite of tools, see: https://www.civtak.org/


The command-line program adsbcot can be install from the Python Package Index (Option A [preferred]), or directly from this source tree (Option B):

Option A) Install from the Python Package Index:

$ pip install adsbcot

Option B) Install from this source tree:

$ git checkout https://github.com/ampledata/adsbcot.git
$ cd adsbcot/
$ python setup.py install


The adsbcot command-line program has several runtime arguments:

$ adsbcot -h
usage: adsbcot [-h] -C COT_HOST [-P COT_PORT] [-B] [-I INTERVAL] [-S STALE]
               [-D DUMP1090_URL] [-U ADSBX_URL] [-X ADSBX_API_KEY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -C COT_HOST, --cot_host COT_HOST
                        CoT Destination Host (or Host:Port)
  -P COT_PORT, --cot_port COT_PORT
                        CoT Destination Port
  -B, --broadcast       UDP Broadcast CoT?
  -I INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        URL Polling Interval
  -S STALE, --stale STALE
                        CoT Stale period, in hours
  -D DUMP1090_URL, --dump1090_url DUMP1090_URL
                        Dump1090 URL
  -U ADSBX_URL, --adsbx_url ADSBX_URL
                        ADS-B Exchange API URL
  -X ADSBX_API_KEY, --adsbx_api_key ADSBX_API_KEY
                        ADS-B Exchange API Key

At a minimum, you'll need to specify:

  1. -C COT_HOST, where COT_HOST is the IP or Hostname of the CoT Event destination.
  2. One (1) of the following sets of arguments:
    1. -D DUMP1090_URL, where DUMP1090_URL is the URL to a system running the dump1090 ADS-B decoder.
    2. -U ADSBX_URL & -X ADSBX_API_KEY, where ADSBX_URL is the URL to a ADS-B Exchange feed you'd like to use, and ADSBX_API_KEY is your ADS-B Exchange API Key.

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Github: https://github.com/ampledata/adsbcot


Greg Albrecht W2GMD oss@undef.net



Copyright 2020 Orion Labs, Inc.


Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.