when clusters are factor some of the celltypes are coming us as number, not getting assigned any cell type.
Closed this issue · 1 comments
nfancy commented
by changing the nf-core-scflow rscript using the following did not help, rather intorduced new error as follows:
sce$clusters <- as.numeric(as.character(sce$clusters))
Workflow execution completed unsuccessfully!
The exit status of the task that caused the workflow execution to fail was: 1.
The full error message was:
Error executing process > 'scflow_finalize (merged)'
Caused by:
Process `scflow_finalize (merged)` terminated with an error exit status (1)
Command executed:
scflow_finalize_sce.r --sce_path celltype_mapped_sce --celltype_mappings celltype_mappings.tsv --clusters_colname clusters --celltype_var cluster_celltype --unique_id_var manifest --facet_vars manifest,diagnosis,group,apoe,sex --input_reduced_dim UMAP_Liger --metric_vars pc_mito,pc_ribo,total_counts,total_features_by_counts
Command exit status:
Command output:
Command error:
�[33mWARNING:�[0m destination /rds/general/user/nfancy/ephemeral/tmp_mathys/a2/a70fd2dd5567eac3452a6b461f497d already in mount list: destination is already in the mount point list
Warning message:
replacing previous import ‘liger::normalize’ by ‘scater::normalize’ when loading ‘scFlow’
── Reading Celltype Mappings ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
Reading: celltype_mappings.tsv
✔ Imported celltype mappings from celltype_mappings.tsv
── Reading SingleCellExperiment ────────────────────────────────────────────────
── Reading feature-barcode matrix ──
Reading: celltype_mapped_sce/barcodes.tsv.gz
Reading: celltype_mapped_sce/features.tsv.gz
Reading: celltype_mapped_sce/matrix.mtx.gz
✔ Imported sparse matrix: 53273 cols x 17048 rows.
── Reading colData/rowData ──
Reading: celltype_mapped_sce/sce-rowdata.tsv
Reading: celltype_mapped_sce/scecoldata_classes.tsv
Reading: celltype_mapped_sce/sce-coldata.tsv
Generating SingleCellExperiment
Reading: ReducedDim_Liger.tsv
Reading: ReducedDim_PCA_PB.tsv
Reading: ReducedDim_PCA.tsv
Reading: ReducedDim_tSNE_Liger.tsv
Reading: ReducedDim_tSNE_PCA.tsv
Reading: ReducedDim_UMAP_Liger.tsv
Reading: ReducedDim_UMAP_PCA_PB.tsv
Reading: ReducedDim_UMAP_PCA.tsv
Reading: ReducedDim_UMAP3D_Liger.tsv
Reading: ReducedDim_UMAP3D_PCA.tsv
✔ Imported SingleCellExperiment.
Appended `Allan2019_ML1` to SingleCellExperiment
Appended `Allan2019_ML2` to SingleCellExperiment
Appended `Zeisel2018_ML4` to SingleCellExperiment
Appended `Zeisel2018_ML5` to SingleCellExperiment
Appended `allan_celltype` to SingleCellExperiment
Appended `allan_layer` to SingleCellExperiment
Appended `allan_cluster_gene_1` to SingleCellExperiment
Appended `allan_cluster_gene_2` to SingleCellExperiment
Appended `cluster_celltype` to SingleCellExperiment
Error: Specify categorical variables only.
Execution halted
Work dir:
Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option `-resume` to the run command line