
A simple monadic parser combinator library for OCaml

Primary LanguageOCamlOtherNOASSERTION

MParser, a simple monadic parser combinator library

This library implements a rather complete and efficient monadic parser combinator library similar to the Parsec library for Haskell by Daan Leijen and the FParsec library for FSharp by Stephan Tolksdorf.

See the file LICENSE.txt for copying conditions.

Home page: https://github.com/cakeplus/mparser

MParser used to be a part of ocaml-base, a collection of useful OCaml libraries by Holger Arnold [1].

The monadic interface of MParser is compatible with pa_monad [2].


In order to compile this package, you will need:

  • ocaml (>= 3.11).
  • findlib [3].
  • optional dependency: pcre-ocaml [4] for mparser.pcre.
  • optional dependency: re [5] for mparser.re.


  1. Uncompress the source archive and go to the root of the package.
  2. Run ocaml setup.ml -configure. Optional flags:
    • --enable-pcre -- support for PCRE-based regular expressions (MParser_PCRE module, mparser.pcre findlib package).
    • --enable-re -- support for RE-based regular expressions (MParser_RE module, mparser.re findlib package).
  3. Run ocaml setup.ml -build.
  4. Run ocaml setup.ml -install.
  5. Optionally, run ocaml setup.ml -doc to produce an HTML API reference.


  1. Go to the root of the package
  2. Run ocaml setup.ml -uninstall

Usage example

Let's implement a simple expression evaluator.

To save the typing effort, it is often handy to open the MParser module:

open MParser

First, we define a parsing combinator expr, which handles expression parsing, taking care of the operator precedence issues:

let infix p op =
  Infix (p |>> (fun _ a b -> (`Binop (op, a, b))), Assoc_left)

let operators =
      infix (char '*') `Mul;
      infix (char '/') `Div;
      infix (char '+') `Add;
      infix (char '-') `Sub;

let decimal =
  many1_chars digit |>> int_of_string

let expr =
  expression operators (decimal |>> fun i -> `Int i)

Next, we implement an interpreter for our expression tree:

let rec calc = function
  | `Int i -> i
  | `Binop (op, a, b) ->
      match op with
        | `Add -> calc a + calc b
        | `Sub -> calc a - calc b
        | `Mul -> calc a * calc b
        | `Div -> calc a / calc b

The evaluator function:

let eval (s: string) : int =
  match MParser.parse_string expr s () with
    | Success e ->
        calc e
    | Failed (msg, e) ->
        failwith msg

Using it:

eval "4*4+10/2"  ->  21

Have fun!

