
A housed python program to analyze NGS data for HIFI-barcode project

Primary LanguagePython



HIFIBarcode is used to produce full-length COI barcodes from pooled PCR amplicons generated by individual specimens.



Operating system:
HIFIBarcode is designed to run on most platforms, including UNIX, Linux and MacOS/X. Microsoft Windows. We have tested on Linux and on MacOS/X, because these are the machines we develop on. HIFIBarcode is written in python language, and a version 3.5 or higher is required.

Published softwares involved:

VSEARCH v2.4.4. Rognes, Torbjørn, et al. "VSEARCH: a versatile open source tool for metagenomics." PeerJ 4 (2016): e258.

SOAPBarcode. Liu, Shanlin, et al. "SOAPBarcode: revealing arthropod biodiversity through assembly of Illumina shotgun sequences of PCR amplicons." Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4.12 (2013): 1142-1150.


Make sure you have installed the fellowing modules or software before using HIFIBarcode.py

Here we go

download from the lastest release or just git clone

git clone https://github.com/comery/HIFI-barcode-hiseq.git


python3 HIFIBarcode.py -h
usage: HIFI-hiseq [-h] [-v]


    An automatic pipeline for HIFI-hiseq project, including filtering
    raw reads, assigning reads to samples, assembly HIFI barcodes
    (COI sequences).


    2.1.0 2021-09-14 The latest version.


    yangchentao at genomics.cn, BGI.
    zhouchengran at genomics.cn, BGI.
    liushanlin at genomics.cn, BGI.

positional arguments:
    all                 run filter, assign, buildend, chain, and gapfill
    filter              filter raw reads by quality or expected_err
    assign              assign clean reads to samples
    buildend            buildends for each sample, output DNA fragment with tag
    chain               connect middle meta-paried reads to longer contigs
    gapfill             gap filling to generate raw contigs
    mkout               rename raw contigs to final COI barcodes
    polish              polish COI barcode assemblies, output confident barcodes
    taxonomy            do taxa identification on BOLD system

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit


  • step 1, run all
python3 HIFIBarcode.py all -outpre hifi -index 5 -q1 test1.fq.gz -q2 test2.fq.gz -primer indexed_primer.txt
  • step 2, run gap-filling
# at first, go to shell dir
cd hifi_gapfill/shell
# because this step will cost more memory, so I isolate this step.  
# then, you can run all *.sh file in this fold by way you like.  
# e.g. you can use qsub if you are a cluster user, or you can just  
# run on your local computer.  
ls *.sh|while read a; do qsub -cwd -l vf=1.5g $a;done
sh *.sh
  • step 3, generate output contigs
python3 HIFIBarcode.py mkout -outpre hifi -d hifi_gapfill
  • [optional] step 4, polish assemblies
python3 HIFIBarcode.py -outpre hifi -i hifi_barcodes.fa -index 5 

PERL version

if you still use old versions, you can see PERL VERSION for help.


yangchentao at genomics dot cn
liushanlin at genomics dot cn
zhouchengran at genomics dot cn


Liu, Yang, Zhou, Zhou.(2017). Filling reference gaps via assembling DNA barcodes using high-throughput sequencing - moving toward to barcoding the world. Gigascience. 2017 Oct 25. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/gix104.


This package is released under version 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPLv3). Please refer to https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.