Extend Laravel scheduler to can config tasks via model

This package allows you to configure the scheduled tasks of the app via (database) model. It was developed to avoid handling these configurations via a config file only, cause then we cannot share the same repo to n server instances when running different tasks is needed at each server.

This package will extend the laravel scheduler, so all coded scheduled tasks will still be available.


composer require diontech/laravel-extended-scheduler
php artisan migrate


model based handling

At the moment you can do something similar to the following:

            'method' => 'command',
            'arguments' => [
            'fluent' => [
                'cron' => ['* * * * *']
            'is_active' => true

            'method' => 'command',
            'arguments' => [
            'fluent' => [
                'timezone' => ['America/Chicago'],
                'between' => ['8:00', '17:00']
            'is_active' => true
            'method' => 'command',
            'arguments' => [
                ['Taylor', '--force']
            'fluent' => [
            'is_active' => true

            'method' => 'job',
            'arguments' => [
                'new \App\Jobs\TestJob', 'sqs'
            'fluent' => [
            'is_active' => true

See https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/scheduling to get an idea of how it can be used.

normalizing inserted model to readable structure

        $model = \DionTech\Scheduler\Models\ScheduledCommand::create([
            'method' => 'command',
            'arguments' => [
            'fluent' => [
                'timezone' => ['America/Chicago'],
                'between' => ['8:00', '17:00']
            'is_active' => true
    $event = $model->event(); //returns \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Event
    $command = $event->command; //something like "/usr/local/Cellar/php@7.4/7.4.16/bin/php' 'artisan' foo"
    $expression = $event->rexpression; //something like "0 * * * 1-5"
    $description = $event->description; //something like "new \App\Jobs\TestJob"

make a command active / inactive

Each ScheduledCommand can be set to inactive / active by its property 'is_active'. the default value is false, so you must explicitly activate the command to be recognized in the laravel scheduler.

add description / notices to the command

Each ScheduledCommand have a property 'description', where you can save additional notices if needed.


  • writing an API class
  • make getCommands() method cacheable
  • build some configs