Build one-on-one chat in your Vue app

This is the demo app that we build in the Build one-on-one chat in your Vue app tutorial.


This demo uses:

Running the demo

  1. Download this repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Create .env.local in your root directory
  4. Add the following into it:
  1. To get your-app-id and your-api-key, go to your CometChat dashboard
  2. Create a new app and name it whatever you want
  3. Once it's created, you can see your app id below the app's name
  4. Replace your-app-id with it
  5. Click on Explore
  6. Go to API Keys tab and use the authOnly key as your-api-key in your .env.local
  7. Run the app using npm run serve
  8. View the app on http://localhost:8080

Useful links