Cometh Connect SDK allows developers to onboard their users with a seedless, gasless experience familiar to Web2 using Biometrics and web2 logins.
Account Abstraction (AA) improves transaction user experience by using smart contract wallets as primary accounts.
If you need more information on how to use the SDK check our documentation
import {
} from '@cometh/connect-sdk'
const walletAdaptor = new ConnectAdaptor({
chainId: SupportedNetworks.POLYGON,
apiKey: API_KEY
const wallet = new ComethWallet({
authAdapter: walletAdaptor,
apiKey: API_KEY,
rpcUrl: RPC_URL
To get an API key please Contact us
await wallet.connect()
This function create a new wallet and connect to the API.
This function returns the address of the wallet.
await wallet.connect(walletAddress)
You can also connect to a previously created wallet. You'll have to provide the wallet address of the previously created wallet.
await wallet.logout()
This function logs the user out and clears the cache.
const txParams = { to: DESTINATION, value: VALUE, data: DATA }
const tx = await wallet.sendTransaction(txParams)
const txPending = await provider.getTransaction(tx.safeTxHash);
const txReceipt = await txPending.wait();
This function relays the transaction data to the target address. The transaction fees can be sponsored.
const txParams = [
{ to: DESTINATION, value: VALUE, data: DATA },
{ to: DESTINATION, value: VALUE, data: DATA }
const tx = await wallet.sendBatchTransactions(txParams)
const txPending = await provider.getTransaction(tx.safeTxHash);
const txReceipt = await txPending.wait();
This function relays a batch of transaction data to the targeted addresses. The transaction fees can be sponsored as well.
const signature = await wallet.signMessage('hello')
Sign the given message using the EOA, owner of the smart wallet.
import {
} from '@cometh/connect-sdk'
const walletAdaptor = new ConnectAdaptor({
chainId: SupportedNetworks.POLYGON,
apiKey: API_KEY,
passkeyName: passkeyName
const wallet = new ComethWallet({
authAdapter: walletAdaptor,
apiKey: API_KEY,
rpcUrl: RPC_URL
const provider = new ComethProvider(wallet)
const nftContract = new ethers.Contract(
const tx = await nftContract.count()
const txReceipt = await tx.wait()
You can also interact with the interface of a contract, calling directly the contract functions.
import {
} from '@cometh/connect-sdk'
import injectedModule from '@web3-onboard/injected-wallets'
import Onboard from '@web3-onboard/core'
const walletAdaptor = new ConnectAdaptor({
chainId: SupportedNetworks.POLYGON,
apiKey: API_KEY,
passkeyName: passkeyName
const connectOnboardConnector = ConnectOnboardConnector({
apiKey: API_KEY,
authAdapter: walletAdaptor,
rpcUrl: RPC_URL
const web3OnboardInstance = Onboard({
wallets: [injectedModule(), connectOnboardConnector],
chains: [
id: ethers.utils.hexlify(DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID),
token: 'MATIC',
label: 'Matic Mainnet',
rpcUrl: ''
You can also incorporate cometh connect to web3Onboard wallet modal solution.