
Python package for working with ACS motion controllers.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Python package for working with ACS motion controllers. Note that this project is not affiliated with or endorsed by ACS Motion Control.


Note that the ACS motion control SPiiPlus User-Mode Driver must be installed and running. Contact ACS to obtain this software.

This Python package can be installed from PyPI via pip with

pip install acspy

To install from the source, clone locally and execute

python setup.py install


Using the acsc module

The acsc module is designed to mimic the syntax of the ACS C library that it wraps.

>>> from acspy import acsc
>>> hcomm = acsc.openCommDirect()
>>> acsc.enable(hcomm, 0)
>>> acsc.getMotorState(hcomm, 0)
{'moving': False, 'enabled': True, 'in position': True, 'accelerating': False}
>>> acsc.closeComm(hcomm)

Using the Controller object

The control module provides an object-oriented interface to the controller, making code development more intuitive. An example of its use:

>>> from acspy.control import Controller
>>> controller = Controller(contype="simulator", n_axes=4)
>>> controller.connect()
>>> axis0 = controller.axes[0]
>>> axis0.enable()
>>> axis0.enabled
>>> axis0.ptp(500.5)
>>> axis0.rpos
>>> axis0.disable()
>>> controller.disconnect()