
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Getting Started

Install packages

yarn install

Config .env for next-auth

NEXTAUTH_URL="leave it as your nextjs url or custom server"

Config .env for authentication: the information get from our exported API project


Run on your local

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Buil production

// Please turn off ignoreBuildErrors and ignoreDuringBuilds when build project at next.config.js
typescript: {
  // !! WARN !!
  // Dangerously allow production builds to successfully complete even if
  // your project has type errors.
  // !! WARN !!
  ignoreBuildErrors: false,
eslint: {
  // Warning: This allows production builds to successfully complete even if
  // your project has ESLint errors.
  ignoreDuringBuilds: false,

yarn build


   → assets (not sure but the bridge to get assets ⇒ import { assets } from ‘@asses/index’ ⇒ assets(’name of asset’)
   → pages
   → components
       → atoms
       → molecules
           → AppButton
               → AppButton
               → AppButton.style
       → organisms
       → pages
           → Home
               → Home
               → Home.style (generate style code here)
   → constants
   → models
   → states
   → services
   → utils


1. Navigation

For client side, supported navigation function over services/navigate

import { useNavigateService } from '@services/navigate'

const navigation = useNavigateService()

For server side

// nextjs navigation in server side
import { NextPageContext } from 'next'

export async function getServerSideProps(context: NextPageContext) {
  const { locale = "en", query } = context;
  const options: {
    props?: Record<string, unknown>;
    redirect?: {
      destination: string;
      permanent: boolean;
  } = {
    props: {

  // Redirect to login page if user is not authenticated
  if (!context.req.headers.cookie) {
    options.redirect = {
      destination: "/login",
      permanent: false,

  return options;

2. Service

Service support function based on business model

How to use service for fetch data from client side

// Define state for query params
const [filterPostParams, setFilterPostParams] = useState<Partial<FilterPostRequestBody>>({ 
  pagination_page: props.query?.page_number, 
  pagination_limit: props.query?.page_limit

// Define query service and pass params to it. 
const filterPostQuery = useFilterPostQuery(filterPostParams)
// State of Query can be get over "filterPostQuery"
// filterPostQuery.loading
// filterPostQuery.error
// filterPostQuery.data

// Define action for queries change to trigger refetch data if needed
const handleQueryChange = (newQuery: Partial<FilterPostRequestBody>) => {

How to use service for fetch data from server side

// pages/post/index.tsx

// Import server side service
import { fetchFilterPost } from '@services/post'

// Define getServerSideProps  to get data from server side
export async function getServerSideProps(context: NextPageContext) {
  const { locale = "en", query } = context;
  const options: {
    props?: Record<string, unknown>;
    redirect?: Record<string, unknown>;
  } = {};
  const { session, queryClient } = await initServerInfo(context);  

  try {
    await fetchFilterPost(queryClient, { pagination_page: query?.page_number, pagination_limit: query?.page_limit});
  } catch (err) {
  return {
    redirect: { destination: `/500`, permanent: false }

How to use service for mutation data

// Define mutation service
const createPostMutation = useCreatePostMutation();

// Call mutation 
const handleCreatePost = async (data: PostData) => {
  try {
    const response = await createPostMutation.mutateAsync(data);
  } catch (e: unknown) {}
// State of mutation can be get over "createPostMutation"
// createPostMutation.loading
// createPostMutation.error
// createPostMutation.data

3. Form

Define a hook with yup schema and react-hook-form outside component

import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form'
import { yupResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/yup'
import * as yup from 'yup'

const useLoginForm = () => {
  const validationScheme = useMemo(
    () =>
        email: yup.string().email().required(),
        password: yup.string().required()
  return useForm<Form1FormData>({
    resolver: yupResolver(validationScheme),
    shouldFocusError: true,
    mode: 'onChange',
    reValidateMode: 'onChange'

Use hook inside component

const { register, handleSubmit, errors, control } = useLoginForm()

4. Error Handling

For server side error handling

export async function getServerSideProps(context: NextPageContext) {
  const { locale = "en", query } = context;
  const options: {
    props?: Record<string, unknown>;
    redirect?: Record<string, unknown>;
  } = {};
  const { session, queryClient } = await initServerInfo(context);  

  try {
    if (session) {
      await fetchFilterPost(queryClient, { pagination_page: query?.page_number, pagination_limit: query?.page_limit});
  } catch (err) { 
    return {
      redirect: { destination: `/500`, permanent: false }

For client side error handling

const { data, error } = useFilterPostQuery(filterPostParams)

if (error) {
  return <ErrorPage statusCode={500} />

5. Authentication

Authentication with NextAuth

6. Google reCAPTCHA v3

  • To register for reCAPTCHA v3, go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/about/, then select v3 Admin Console. Login with your Google account
  • There should be a Plus sign button for you to click on, then enter label, select v3 type. Also add the domains of your website that reCAPTCHA is applied (localhost for local testing). Then Submit
  • You will see Site key, it needs to be set to NEXT_PUBLIC_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY environment variable
  • For Secret key, it is used in your backend to verify with reCAPTCHA server
  • There is a GoogleReCaptchaProvider in _app.tsx to provide reCAPTCHA context
  • Then reCAPTCHA token is fetched by invoking the function retuned from provided hook: const { executeRecaptcha } = useGoogleReCaptcha()
  • You can specify the action as an argument to the function like this executeRecaptcha('login')
  • The token should be specified in recaptcha field of the body of the requet to api/send_otp_codes



Vercel Deployment

Environment Variable

Key Data Type Example Value Description
NEXT_PUBLIC_ACCESS_TOKEN_THRESHOLD number 120000 How long access token will be expired in milliseconds.
NEXT_APP_CLIENT_ID string randomstring Obtained from backend configuration.
NEXT_APP_CLIENT_SECRET string randomstring Obtained from backend configuration.
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL string https://api-68.review.staging.jitera.app API URL
NEXTAUTH_URL string https://frontend-68.review.staging.jitera.app Canonical URL of the site.
NEXTAUTH_SECRET string secret Used to encrypt the NextAuth.js JWT, and to hash email verification tokens.