
Inner Catalog is a platform for sharing and discovering works/doujin/comic/illustration from various creators before convention.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Project catalog-ui 📚

Nextjs web application for Inner Catalog



Inner Catalog is a platform for sharing and discovering works/doujin/comic/illustration from various creators before convention.

This is an alternatives from comifuro catalog but not solely for comifuro. I would gradually add more convention to the list based on your suggestion.


  • Just use github discusson for now
  • Should i make a discord server?

Getting Started


  • Node v20.9.0
  • pnpm v9.2.0
  • Docker
  • Google Client ID (for Google OAuth2)


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone the repository from your fork
  3. Create .env file in the root dir based on .env.example
  4. Setting .next.config.mjs add your own images.remotePatterns
  5. Install dependencies
pnpm install
  1. Makesure catalog-api is already setup and running locally

  2. Run the application

pnpm run dev



Thank you so much for visiting my repository 🥹. If you think this web is useful or have feedback, please let me know im active on discord (@pandakas) and twitter (@varkased)

If you have feedback about design sense, you might notice the design itself is shit and out of place. I have like 0 design sense so please spare me 😭

But if there's any UI/UX student out there that wanted to use this as their studycase, let me know and id make it real 😉